229. When your mother has banned you from speaking your Gollum voice in her presence because it freaks her out but you occasionally to it anyway.
230. When your cousin you haven't seen for months comes over you discuss the appendixes in the back of ROTK, instead of, y'know, life, because it IS your life.
231. You have your Hobbit poster strategically placed in the middle of the wall opposite your bed in your room so that every morning when you wake up you think to yourself (in Bilbo's voice) "I'm going on an adventure!"
232. When in socially awkward situations you start to mumble to yourself things like, "I'm surrounded by dwarves, what are they doing here?" and "We wants to be alone, Preciousss."
233. You translate Gandalf's entire "Good Morning?" quote into Spanish so that you can say it in class. (Harder than you may think.)
234. When you can quote the Hobbit. The first time you see it.