You'll never guess what?!.. (please don't delete)

John Rhys-Davies plays Sahla, the Egyptian archeologist who helps Indy steal the ark. Very adorable. I think he has held up better than Harrison Ford who unfortunately has become an old coot -- a cootastrophe!

On a sad note, that movie came out when I was a teen, and at the time there was such a thing as a dollar cinema, after the movie had completed its cinema run, it would go to the dollar cinema for about a year. My friends and I were so poor, and so stupid, we would go about every other night and pay a dollar to watch Raiders, again, like 30 times.
One more thing

One more thing, and then I will shut up about John Rhys-Davies:

If anyone has watched the misbegotten NBC mini-series "Revelations," I trust you are as heartiy disappointed as I am at the way they used John Rhys-Davies. His character adds nothing to the program as a whole, and half the time he phones in his lines as if they couldn't afford to take him wherever the action is. It's idiotic.
JRD was brilliant in Raiders - he's been in other stuff too I'm sure- but you can't beat being in 2 of the greatest trilogies of all time! (obviously Back to Future is the first!)

Cubby Broccoli (the James Bond bloke) used to know my boss
THe Prince said:
Does anybody here know a christian rock star(tobyMac,anyone from Skillet etc...)

Oh! One of my best friends said that the drummer from 'Switchfoot' used to go to his church - does that count!?:D
Christian Musician

Okay, I don't know any movie stars, tv stars, etc.

Stars don't usually make their way down to good ol east Tennessee!! LOL :rolleyes:

BUT ------ I'm very into Christian music. I have met the Paul Coleman Trio when I saw them open up for Third Day. Another artist I've met is Tara Leigh Cobble. More than likely you may not have heard of her, since she is a indie artist. But she is AWESOME. She's from a town that is only about 30 mins from where I live. If anyone out there enjoys a kind of folk/rock type of music you should definitely check her website out at She's worth it!

I've also met the alternative rock group (this is a secular group, not christian) Sister Hazel, several times. They even played my favorite song and dedicated it to me for my birthday, on stage, a couple of years ago. It was great! I've got pictures, woohoo! LOL

ROFL on the Orlando Bloom thing...teehehehehehe

Well...seeing as we all came from Adam...I'm related to everone...the President, the Queen, even Orlando Bloom. ;) Haha.

Um..known connections...

I have stood two feet from Al Fong, coach of Olympic silver medalests Courtney McCool and Terin Humphrey. (it was at a gym meet..I walked past him, took a second look and almost died on the spot, lol). At the same meet I saw Evgeny Marchenko (Coach of Carly Patterson, Olympic gold medal gymnast) and I saw some other famous gymnasts, namely Tasha Swikert (sp) Tabby Yim and Alysse Ishino..yeah...I love gymnastics. lol

My brother's friend has met Kerri Walsh and Misty May.

My brother's friend is a boxer who almost made the Olympics.

Um..what else...

I've met Bonnie Dunbar...US her autograph...

I think thats it. lol
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I have a friend who knows the Greshems. (and if you don't know who they are, go find out who is keeping the movie true to the book!)
Dernhelm really?!?!?
That's about the coolest thing you'll see here..i do have a vaguely amusing story indirectly involving Doug Gresham, but I don't know if other peeps would find it amusing?
rosymole said:
Dernhelm really?!?!?
That's about the coolest thing you'll see here..i do have a vaguely amusing story indirectly involving Doug Gresham, but I don't know if other peeps would find it amusing?

I'd be interested, tell.

- Lu
It's not actually funny I've decided. I may tell it a little later but it's a bit complicated and a little bit 'heavy', as it were. one day tho perhaps..!
rosymole said:
I have an aunt who looks like Ian McKellan

I do too! That's really weird.

One of my high school friends is related by marriage to Madonna.

The head dude in Relient K had a vaguely psychopathic long-distance crush on my roomate, though I don't know if I consider them celebrities.

This doesn't count as a celebrity per-say, but I live in Pittsburgh and often shop at the mall where Dawn of the Dead was filmed.

And *drumroll* tonight, I'm going to the theater to (possibly) meet Bruce Campbell and see a premiere screening of his movie Man with the Screaming Brain!
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I know Evil Kenivils grandson, I know the man who got his head blown off by the cannonball in patriot. And my Dad pumped diesel for the Jaw guy from the James bond movies.
A good friend of mine, his older sister was really good friends with Avril Lavigne (did I spell that right? ) growing up. They used to have sleepovers and everything and their mom who I know remembers her (Avril's) first performance which was at church.

Another friend of mine has an older sister tried out for Canadian Idol and made it to Toronto. And my best' friend's paino teacher's daughter was on Canadian Idol.

One of my teachers tried out for a starring role in some crime soap opera thing and almost got the role. He was in the top 3 to get the role.
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jet_100mk said:
Another friend of mine has an older sister tried out for Canadian Idol and made it to Toronto. And my best' friend's paino teacher's daughter was on Canadian Idol.

How far did they get? If they are in the top 32, what are they're names?