Your Avatar/Sig

Daughter of Eve said:
I can do it with both hands. :D

I am practicing raising one eyebrow. I can do it with my right, but not with my left. Hmm.

lol! I love your avatar! I can do the Vulcan salute with both hands too, but I haven't mastered the eyebrow raising yet. ;)
hehe, I remember practicing and trying REALLY hard to move either of my eyebrows independently and not accomplishing anything. Now I somehow can do it with both. Not super big, but enough. Just keep practicing I guess.
Hey Lou, isn't my Avatar cool? *inserts a rolled up piece of paper into nose and breaths deeply* wHoa man I CAn fEEL tHe COlourS...
Dude, feeling colors...that's deep man, real deep.

Wait...are you implying that there are people out there who CAN'T do the live-long-and-prosper sign!!! What is this world coming to!!!

- Lou
I don't know, It just makes you sick.

In fact I have a friend who said that Star Wars are better then Star Trek.

I think he needs an intervention...
There are people out there who CAN'T do the Live Long and Prosper sign???? :confused:

Oh dear. That is sad. That is very sad. I must keep my avatar then, people need to understand the doctrine of the Live Long and Prosper sign. :D As to friends saying Star Wars is better than Star Trek, *shudders* I have one of those....
Gotta be contraversial here- Star Wars IS better than Star Trek! (sticks neck rigth out expecting violence of some description)

I, as is rather obvious, still haven't decided on an avvy yet, any suggestions?
Rosy-you ever concidered having a rose for you avatar? lol, just a sugestion...

and crjr I always liked your avvie....

*coughs* Starteckbetterthanstarwars *cough*
Or even a mole! No, that doesn't sound quite as good somehow..hmmm, i'll have to see what i can find...
Darling, for them, there is no such thing as normal.

Now you gotta admit, the Star Wars DVD trilogy is better that than the Trekkie movies...when used as a doorstop or a coaster, that is. :D

Rosy: Maybe you could get a pix of a talking animal from the Narnia movie, after it comes out.

- Lou
good idea Lou- I've been half looking around for one but nothing's grabbed my attention yet- I'm always open to suggestions tho!