Your Current Mood III

St. Louis? like Missouri?
just curious.....(you don't have to tell me if you wanna keep it private. I understand)
I don't live in St. Louis but my weather is like that too...

I'm relaxed

Yeah, STL, MO. Well, actually like 30 miles from it but yeah! Its much better today--just rain. Well, and that one short spritzing of hail. And that one half hour of thunder and lightning.

My mood is ecstatic -- i just got a 68 on my algebra test and I'm actually happy, lol, which is GOOD for me, because Im so bad at algebra and I think its silly!!:D
rele rele rele happy. =]
ive been hyper all day ^^
ever since 8.15 ^^
which wassss almost 5 and a half hours ago.

*goes to tell bro one of her best friends knows his girlfriend O_O*