somewhat annoyed, all of a sudden.
but other than that, REALLY happy and extremely excited.
i went to bed depressed last night, cried myself to sleep, and woke up reaaaaaally happy, haha ^^
I'm calm. ^_^ My mood keeps changing today. I'm a little annoyed, though... I keep trying to avoid calling two of my friends who I really need to speak to... I absolutely hate calling people.
EDIT: Well, one of my friends called a minute ago. Maybe I'll get lucky and the other one will call, too. XP
^ One of my friend is like that.^ She says she doesnt like to cal people, and she never does because it makes her feel like she's annoying them. I think she would call on cells but I don't have one. Once she called me for a question on a project. Actually she went to our other friends house who lives across the street from her and made her call =P
My mood; Sore, exhausted, weak but calm. The calm is something I'm trying to keep myself :/
Ok just go on it and say can i join then somone will say yes then all you have to do is make up a chrachter and fil it out on the litle "Name, age," thing then post that and you can start.