Your Current Mood IV

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Hungry and tired. But I'm not sure if those count as moods.

And happy! I just realized I work at night tomorrow so I can sleep in!!!
*sniffles* *cries* No! And I close the store two nights this week! Who shall defend poor Skandar?

I'm gonna miss you guys when I'm at work.
UMBRELLA: Whether or not your sickness of yourself has any connection with matters known to me, be assured that MY regard for you is unchanged, and my habit of praying for you is also unchanged.
Nothing involving you could ever make me sick. It's just me. I'm sick in the head as always but I'm ok like that now. =} I'm not even sure.
I think of you all the time and pray for you just as much as always. I hope that getting rid of the dog brought some peace to your mind.
I'm a little... uh... annoyed. My great grandmother just called and my sister tried to make me talk to her...

Otherwise, happy... because I'm going to the mall.
Exhausted. My car died at work and I spent about an hour trying to turn on the ignition, got blisters on my right thumb and index finger, almost died three times while trying to jump start my car all the while I had nothing to eat since 9am and it was 6pm by the time all of that happened. Oh and we had a 110 degree heat index here in FL...

The car is still at my job. I have to go there tomorrow to have it towed to my place.
My mood is: overwhelmed at HOW MUCH misfortune has befallen Son of Adam and his wife Into the Wardrobe. This puts me in the mood to urge forum members who are United States citizens to contact Prince of the West for information about how to help this couple.
Nervous. I'm taking mom's dining room chairs apart to reupholster. I've helped people at my old job, but I've never reupholstered anything by myself before. I hope I don't mess them up and they look good when I'm done.
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