Your Current Mood V

He's talking so he'll be okay. Which means that I'll be okay.
I'm so confused it's stupid.
I'm going to go work on homework, then take a shower, and go to church.
I'm glad you get to go to church again, Amanda dear. Jesus and I both love you, as the expression goes, unconditionally (and FOREBER).
My current mood..... hmm. I'm in a hungry mood. (Metaphorically hungry, that is.) I'm hungry for love... for others to love and accept me, for myself to love my enemies, and for me to feel Jesus' love.
Let me say...disappointed. very disappoin ted in my Rocco my brother. He just can't and won't understand why it hurts someone when you destroy a gift. He and his girlfriend didn't mind he destroyed my laptop when he was getting frustrated.
A Gug from Copperfox to the eater causes Lila to come flying out into the open air again.

wow i had to check with the previous post to make sense of that :rolleyes:

my mood: bright and sunny... just ignoring the fact that tomorrow is monday. hehe.

mggt: i'm sorry :( that's crap... tell your brother... or better not... *sighs*
Vanessa, I promise that I will NEVER destroy any gift you might be so nice as to give to me...unless it's the Sinterklaas chocolates, which have to be eaten to serve their purpose. ;)
Just don't give Rocco any more gifts. That will be efficient--saving him the bother of destroying them.

A springtime visit to the Rocky Mountains might be just the thing to take your mind off this miserable business.
Wow, 'Nessa, that's insane! :eek: *hugs*

I'm worried and feeling a bit sad... trying to cheer myself up, but I don't know if that's gonna work...
Gugs Joe and Solya!!!
Thanks! I have talked with my brother and decided not to continue about it because it just won't make any sense. He can't understand a gift is ment as a gift and not to destroy when you get angry. Some people will never learn

Solya...why do you feel sad or down? You are such an angel!