Your Current Mood V

i am concerned about my dad. he is with my uncles in Hawii and one of my uncles called my mom and told her that he had a low bs attack today. she hasnt heard from them since (supposedly he is doing better though) and my mom told me through IM so i dont really know what is going on...

i am also really tired.
happy - mom packed me a good lunch for today.
stressed/annoyed - I have soooo much to do for school.
angry - why did I have to get involved in so many activities?!?!
Do you own a microwave oven, GG-Took? There are heating pads made to be warmed up in microwave ovens, typically stuffed with grains of rice and some scented potpourri; once heated, they are held right against the cold or aching part of your body. I have one, which I have used when MY feet were cold, as well as for aches in my neck. You could probably even MAKE one for yourself.
HAPPEE. My CD came. and I don't have a TON of homework, which is an awesome thing. and I get to go to church for two hours tonight... practices... yay
Well my first dance class...was so bad. My teacher almost made me cry like four different times :( But then I went to my stretch class and we listened to the Jonas Brothers...and that put me in a much better mood. And now I am super happy because I am on TDL :D:D