Your Current Mood V

Tired and sore (especially my skinned knees and my busted lip but thats what happens when you accidentally catch a punt (American Football) with your jaw).
There's a funny thing that happens about the perception of "forcing opinions on others."

I have worked in workplaces where numerous co-workers had NOT THE LEAST BIT of restraint about viciously mocking everything I hold most dear: loudly claiming, without evidence to back it up, that the Bible is a fairytale, that Christians are uniformly hypocrites, etc. I have listened in silence to this torrent of nonsense, DURING WORKING HOURS, for day after day, week after week. This, from persons who KNEW that I am a Christian, and who purposely WANTED to goad me. Then, when after WEEKS of letting it pass, I have dared to offer ANY defense of my faith, no matter how courteously I stated it--that's right, you guessed it, the fireworks of pretended righteous indignation went off, and I was made the bad guy for "shoving religion down their throats."

I can't say much about conditions in Europe. However, this kind of willful dishonesty and double-standard thinking has been growing and flourishing in America for quite awhile.

What is going on in the United States right now IS NOT a perfectly symmetrical moral equivalence of "both sides equally valid, and both sides equally flawed." There happens to be exactly ONE side which is working militantly to gag and censor its opposition, and to hide evidence that doesn't favor it. So I must apologize, though not very abjectly, to those who are bothered by my speaking up WHILE IT STILL IS POSSIBLE. Unlike Europeans, I have to live under whatever President gets elected tomorrow.

Here's where you can see me speak up, OFF THE FORUM: