Your Favourite Film.

I watched the Disney channel orginal movie "Starstruck" and I liked it very much it became one of my all time fav, if anyone haven't seen it yet, guys you should ot it! It is a simple love story and that is why I liked it, and of course I like 3 sound tracks of it.

Sterling Knight is luuuuush :)
I liekd that movie because of sterling knight and also becasue of the happy endings (how he sang to her)
I LOVE HOWLS MOVING CASTLE!!!!!! <33333333333333

It's such a fun and enlightening story filled with excitment and it's also funny, and Howl is hot ^^ Just sayin....
The storyline is very creative :3
Well, I did like Camp Rock(Disney channel). I HATE the Jonas brother but Demi Lovaro rocks! And I love favorite song is You can't stop the beat!:D but nothing bets Narnia!

Hmm, i watched a film called 'Grave of the fireflies' the other day.. its a japanese anime about war time and it was VERY good, but VERY sad :) i highly advise it, but bring tissues of you watch it :D