You're Banned! II

Thou art banned because my friends are somewhat mad at me for making them sit through the Hobbit for three hours while I fangirl through out the whole movie.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth I-eth felt-eth like-eth quoting-eth the-eth HISHE-eth (How-eth It-eth Should-eth Have-eth Ended-eth) video-eth throughout-eth all-eth of-eth The-eth Amazing-eth Spider-eth-Man-eth.
Thou art banned, for what thou wishest for thou canst not attain. Wish upon the moon, my friend, and it shall fall upon thee.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth Oods-eth are-eth both-eth odd-eth and-eth creepy-eth. An-eth odd-eth Ood-eth, that's-eth what-eth they-eth are-eth!
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth shouldn't-eth be-eth thinking-eth about-eth wishing-eth upon-eth the-eth sun-eth. 'Tis-eth not-eth a-eth pretty-eth thought-eth. *Shudders-eth*
Why speakest thou of cold feet? I ban thee, thou heretic, for feet are a thing not to be spoken of when in the company of cheese, as thou art. For cheese is not a thing to be taken lightly.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth I-eth enjoy-eth playing-eth Honey-eth and-eth the-eth Bee-eth (by-eth Owl-eth City-eth) on-eth the-eth piano-eth.
Heretic! Heretic! Heretic! I ban thee forever, and do send thee into outer darkness, where the light of the Duffer Sun doth not fall, and where the Can doth not reflect that light. Out, fiend, and suffer in the night. For thou hast said a forbidden word, and shalt not be forgiven: no, not even if thou wouldest honor the Can with all thy increase.
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Thou art banned, for the Can hath importance in all matters, even athletics. Thus the nationwide repentance for inducing innocent children to play "kick the Can."