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I replied to your e-mail. Here I'll add: Israelites forsook Elijah after the Mount Carmel incident. It was not just Jezebel's threat which discouraged him; he was dismayed because EVERYONE ELSE chickened out. But God kept Elijah going. Please keep going, my brother; I'm with you.
Greetings from an old grandfather! In case you have any problem advancing through a topic thread: you use your cursor on a row of page numbers:

Hello, I just noticed you. I'm a 71-year-old grandfather. If you have any ambitions to write poetry or stories, The Professor's Writing Club is the place to show your stuff.
Jey Uso
Welcome! In case you're not sure how to move along a particular topic thread: you use your cursor on a row of page numbers.

Welcome aboard! In case you're not sure how to move along a topic thread: you use your cursor on a row of page numbers:

Welcome! In case you're not sure how to move along an individual topic thread: you use your cursor on a row of page numbers.

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Welcome aboard, says the Navy veteran! In case you're not sure how to move along a topic thread: use your cursor on a row of page numbers.

Greetings! Do you know how to move along a topic thread? You use your cursor on a row of page numbers:

Hello! Our software is pre-Facebook. Did anyone tell you how to move along a topic thread? You use your cursor on a row of page numbers, like this: -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-
Welcome aboard, says the Navy veteran and grandfather! In case you're not sure how to move along a topic thread, you use your cursor on a row of page numbers, like this: --1--2--3--4--5--6--7--