Directed by Joe Johnston, from a screenplay by David Magee, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair is the fourth film in the current Narnia film series. For a number of reasons, including the age of the cast, each role will be recast. They’re essentially looking at this film as a fresh start, even though they may not go back to the other stories anytime soon. (September 19, 2018 update: Is The Silver Chair going to be a TV series on Netflix?)
Status: Pre-Production
Filming: ????
Release: ????
Run Time:
Filming Pseudonyms:
Production Company: Mark Gordon Company, The C.S. Lewis Company, Sony Pictures, NETFLIX
DVD Release: ????
Blu-ray Release: ????
4K Ultra HD Release: ????
Digital Release: ????
Director: Joe Johnston
Produced by: Douglas Gresham, Mark Gordon, Vincent Sieber
Screenplay by: David Magee
Based on: The Silver Chair
I hope they are really putting a lot of effort into this movie! The story is one of my favorite books.