
Bethany Dillon


Music Inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


You broke the silence
A break in the clouds
A ray of hope in the darkness
You dusted off the steeples
Places full of fear
Full of never-ending judgement

And what is love without much risk?
You were a man of great sorrow
The world that You created
Kept You at a distance
You weren’t recognizable

Oh, You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible

You bridged the gap
You tore the veil
Almighty God in the flesh
All the plans and schemes
Against Your love would fail
In light of Your obedience

Yeah, You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible
The impossible
The impossible

A babe cries in the night
The earth shook in awe
They echo of a man’s cries
The curse undone
The curse undone
Our hero has won

You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible

You’re the hero
We’ve been waiting for
You have done the impossible

©2005 Birdwing Music

Christian recording artist Bethany Dillon has recorded a song called “Hero.” From her website:

“Okay, so have you seen the teaser trailer for “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe” yet??? HHOOOOLLLYYY SMOOOOKESSSS! A friend of mine sent it to me the other day (thanks Jay) and we watched it (Brad, Ed, Pap, J.R. McNeely and me) last night right after we finished mixing the song that’s going to be on the ‘inspired’ soundtrack… it’s called “Hero”… anyway, we were all in awe. I had goosebumps on my goosebumps, as Mom would say. Aslan looked so STRONG! And the wardrobe looked so mysterious and dangerous… oh, you just need to see it.”

Bethany on being a part of this soundtrack:
When I was actually learning to read, first and second grade, my mom and I would kind of go through books where she would read a page and I would read a page. And we went through the Chronicles of Narnia together. And I just remember late at night laying in bed with her and reading the story and it connecting with me so much as a kid. I loved that it was a chapter book and I could actually get it at that age. Even now, I’m not that much older, I just finished reading the first book on the plane and it just moved me in a different way. I just love how that has so shaped my faith and the way that I see our stories. I just love it. I love those books.

I think movies and music, they are alike because they don’t have to do with the head that much. I think they’re more just things for the heart. Music moves me a lot. And I love movies. Those are my two favorite things. I love reading, but just not as much. I just love getting lost in story. And music feels like a story sometimes. good music does. And I think they both just reflect truth. I think they make things clearer and at the same time I think they stir up mystery. My favorite thing in most movies is the music. Just cause they are one in the same. They’re both just so deeply creative. And connect with people. You know, all people.

Being a part of this is so humbling and such a huge honor. Especially, just being this young and knowing that it’s meant a lot to a lot of people. I just think it’s a huge honor to be a part of it and I’m excited to see the movie myself.

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