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Narnia Film News

Wind Destroys Narnia Set

It was a case of the lion, the witch and the wind storm at Flock Hill Station yesterday, as film makers assessed the damage caused by the gale force winds that swept through the country. […]

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Narnia Film News

Tehanu from TheOneLion Visits the Set of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

This article contains some Story Spoilers, so be wary. Since late June, a new set of yellow “location pointers” have appeared on major intersections in West Auckland, New Zealand. It’s a sure sign that filming is in progress somewhere not too far away, and every morning cast and crew for the project will be homing into that location from wherever they live. These particular pointers are marked “LPP” for “Lamp Post Productions.” […]

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Narnia Film News

IGN Narnia Report #2

The interior of Mr. Tumnus’ house, as illustrated by Pauline Baynes for Lewis’ book, included two lounge chairs, a dining table, a mantle and fireplace, a bookshelf and hutch. Filmmaker Adamson has imagined a setting very similar in his collaborations with production designer Roger Ford and set decorator Kerrie Brown. […]

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Narnia Film News

Narnia Takes Shape Amid the Hills

A support crew is busy in the hills near Duntroon, preparing for the filming of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe“. But most of the activity is taking place in hidden, limestone outcropped valleys around the Anatini and Elephant Rocks fossil sites, overlooking the Maerewhenua River. […]

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Narnia Film News

Narnia Set Piece: The Pevensie House!

Tehanu returns with an actual set piece this time. While last time, the set looked very Narnian, it turned out to be for Hercules. This time, it’s for real. A picture of the top of the London house where the Pevensie children lived. […]

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Narnia Film News

Rumor: Sean Connery to Give Aslan a Voice?

Now, this is a HUGE Rumor. Nothing confirmed about it at all as of yet, but it would add another big name to the production of Narnia. It seems someone involved in the production is spreading a rumor that Sean Connery wishes to lend his voice to Aslan, after turning down both The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix. […]