David Sutton Give the Voyage of the Dawn Treader a Thumbs Up
Chronicles of Narnia

First NarniaFans.com Review of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was a very enjoyable film. The film was an entertaining character-centered movie, but it has several changes from the book. The characters of Eustace, Reepicheep, and Gael were fantastic. The music and cinematography were great. Overall this was a good movie, but it was not as amazing as the previous Narnia movies. The journey of waiting and anticipation has finally come to and end, it is now time for you to journey into your local movie theater and see this film opening weekend so that you can experience this movie for yourself in 3D. […]

Chronicles of Narnia

Three New Voyage of the Dawn Treader Music Videos

This week three new international music videos for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader were released. Xander de Buisonje recorded a music video of his version of “There’s a Place for Us” for the Dutch version of the film. Sweedish band E.M.D. now has released their official music video for “There’s a Place for Us”. Sergey Lazarev’s recorded the song “Instantly” for the Russian/Ukrainian version of the film. […]