C.S. Lewis

Happy Birthday, C.S. Lewis!

C.S. Lewis was born 114 years ago on this day in Belfast.  The C.S. Lewis Foundation sent an e-mail newsletter celebrating the birth of the author of the Chronicles of Narnia, and we thought we’d […]

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Narnia Film News

The Skandar Keynes Birthday Project

Want to send Skandar Keynes a message for his birthday? Michael writes: I just wanted to tell you that we are currently doing a Skandar Keynes birthday project at SkandarFan.com. I’m heading up the project of sending to Skandar a personalized CD and Scrapbook for his sixteen years old. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Happy Birthday C.S. Lewis!

Today is C.S. Lewis’ 108th Birthday! Thanks to Claire for reminding us of this fact! Here’s a little bit of info about the author for you. You can read more about him by clicking on C.S. Lewis on the menu. […]

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Narnia Film News

Skandar Keynes Birthday Project

Want to give something to Skandar for his birthday? Our awesome moderator ~Rogue~ is heading up the project. The rules for it have changed a bit since they started, due to overwhelming response though. Read on. […]