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C.S. Lewis

The Question of God – Sigmund Freud & C.S. Lewis

Based on a popular Harvard course taught by Dr. Armand Nicholi, author of The Question of God, the series illustrates the lives and insights of Sigmund Freud, a life-long critic of religious belief, and C.S. Lewis, a celebrated Oxford don, literary critic, and perhaps this century’s most influential and popular proponent of faith based on reason. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Lewis and Freud: A Virtual Debate over God

During one late-night talk with H.V.V. Dyson and J.R.R. Tolkien, his devout friends argued that the previous myths of a god coming to Earth to save humanity were actually “signposts” pointing to the story of Jesus. The New Testament myth, they argued, was the one myth that was true.

Shortly after that discussion — during a motorcycle ride to a zoo — Lewis accepted Jesus as his Lord and savior and became perhaps England’s “most dejected and reluctant convert.” […]