Voyage of the Dawn Treader article in Empire Magazine
While in England for the past week, I managed to track down the latest issue of Empire, which has Harry Potter on the cover. However, it does have a spread on The Voyage of the […]
While in England for the past week, I managed to track down the latest issue of Empire, which has Harry Potter on the cover. However, it does have a spread on The Voyage of the […]
If you want to see some lamp-posts from the Chronicles of Narnia film production, you can now find them in L.A., actually in use! This is a strange way to see some props from the […]
Empire Magazine has their 2010 preview issue on store shelves, and one of the articles is about the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The text from the article is really interesting, with some new information […]
German site Narnia-Chroniken.de has few scans of the latest issue of the German CINEMA magazine with a couple of new pics.
Narniafilms.nl has some scans from the Empire Magazine Narnia-article. […]
Empire Magazine has an aritcle about Narnia in their November 2005 edition, on Newstands in the UK now. Spoiler Images […]
From the British movie magazine EMPIRE: It’s no surprise that, when first approached to play the evil queen of frostbitten fantasy-world Narnia, Tilda Swinton had reservations. After all, why would a British arthouse doyenne, best […]
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