Ben Barnes in Horse Riding Accident on Set of Easy Virtue
As many fans know, Ben Barnes claimed during auditions for Prince Caspian that he could ride a horse. It turned out to be a stretch of the truth as he had only been on a […]
As many fans know, Ben Barnes claimed during auditions for Prince Caspian that he could ride a horse. It turned out to be a stretch of the truth as he had only been on a […]
Ben, 26, had no equestrian skills when he won the role of dashing Prince Caspian in the rollicking follow-up to The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. […]
Disney is shooting the second Narnia movie in the Czech Republic April – July. We need English speaking men between the age of 30-50, who are good horse riders and who look Spanish. Acting experience is helpful. Thirty days of work during the shoot period. Candidates should reside in or near Prague. […]
The couple advertised horses for sale in a horse trading publication. A woman called and told them she had looked everywhere for a white horse, about 15 hands high, for a role in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, soon to be filmed in New Zealand… …Ms Sudbury was told George would play the part of the unicorn and she understands he will be ridden by the wicked witch in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. […]
The training of all the current horses has commenced. There are approximately a dozen on site and there seem to be 3 main horses so far – 1 black, 1 chestnut, 1 grey. The grey seems to be undergoing specialist trick training -such as rearing. The other horses are currently being trained for liberty work – i.e. like circus horses running in formation left or right while the main horses are ridden. […]
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