Parade.com Narnia Quiz
The fantasy novel series from C. S. Lewis has sold over 100 million copies. And after the success of the first movie, audiences are ready for the sequel, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. […]
The fantasy novel series from C. S. Lewis has sold over 100 million copies. And after the success of the first movie, audiences are ready for the sequel, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. […]
Going to New York City for the first time can be pretty overwhelming. Going to New York City to see Prince Caspian for the first time is another thing entirely. Friday started out with a stroll through the city, learning where things were, which way it is to the cinema and figuring out where to go in the meantime. […]
MovieWeb has posted no fewer than 18 video clips of interviews with cast and crew members. Here you’ll find two of those clips embedded. […]
I’ve been pretty busy over the past week. Believe me, you want to know about this. The journey started a week ago, as I left for New York City. Over the next week, I’m going to be posting a lot of interviews and stories about the adventures, all leading up to our review of the film on May 16th! […]
Here we’ll start with our sister site NarniaWeb, where glumPuddle and the rest of the journalists interviewed Sergio Castellito and Pierfrancesco Favino. Here’s story #3 of 3, of Part 5 of the set reports. […]
Our friends at ComingSoon.net had the chance to interview Narnia producer Mark Johnson after the Prince Caspian Comic-Con presentation. They recently put it up on their site with an MP3, but they gave us permission to post a transcript of the interview as well. […]
ComingSoon.net got a chance to talk to The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian producer Mark Johnson, creature supervisor Howard Berger, visual effects supervisor Dean Wright and costume designer Isis Mussenden at the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend and you can listen to the audio interviews by going to ComingSoon.net via the links below! […]
C.S. Lewis’s stepson, Douglas Gresham, grew up with Narnia. The Horse and His Boy was even dedicated to him and his brother. Douglas has since become the creative and artistic director of the C.S. Lewis Company. He was the co-producer of 2006 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and is currently at work on the sequel of Prince Caspian. […]
The cast and crew of The Chronicles of Narnia are back in New Zealand this week to begin filming the second installment, Prince Caspian, next week. Kiwi director Andrew Adamson and producer Mark Johnson sat down with local media this morning to discuss the film, the cast and why they chose to film in New Zealand. […]
We’ve just posted the second edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered seven letters this week, including such topics as the music in the teaser, interviews, when Dawn Treader may be filmed, and more!
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