April Fool's Day

APRIL FOOLS! Tolkien and Lewis to be featured in new Hall of British Writers feature at Epcot. APRIL FOOLS!

Ever wanted to step into Scrooge’s counting house with Charles Dickens? Maybe you’d fancy an English country dance alongside Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy with Jane Austen. Or perhaps you just want to visit the pub […]

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C.S. Lewis

Tumnus’ Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews: Bandersnatch: CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings

Hey, everybody! Welcome back to Tumnus’ Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews where we review any and all books written by, about, and inspired by CS Lewis, The Land of Narnia, and The Inklings. For today’s […]