How many Narnia movies are there?
There have been several Narnia movies over the years, as well as TV series that have been re-edited from multiple parts into feature films. The earlier films are an animated version of The Lion, the Witch, […]
There have been several Narnia movies over the years, as well as TV series that have been re-edited from multiple parts into feature films. The earlier films are an animated version of The Lion, the Witch, […]
In case you haven’t heard it’s going to be a while before there will be a new Narnia movie. Most of you reading this already know this fact, so why do I bother stating the […]
Hey, Narnia Fans! Welcome to “Behind the Wardrobe” an Interview Series with Douglas Gresham. Join me as we find out about CS Lewis, Narnia and more in this interview series.
Special thanks to Paul Martin (The Webmaster for NarniaFans) and to Mr. Douglas Gresham himself for this amazing opportunity. And an even bigger thanks to Mr. Gresham for putting up with a few of my impossible questions. Thanks for being such a great sport about it
For this week: On The Narnia Film Project.
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