Narnia Film News

Prince Caspian Train Station Set Pics

A Narnia fan was in Prague when she stumbled upon a set that was to be used for the filming of Prince Caspian. The set is a train station, made up with posters reminiscent of those on the walls in the Train Station in LWW. They’re very cool pictures that you can take a look at on her flickr account. […]

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Narnia Film News

Stillking Films’ David Minkowski talks Prince Caspian

Associate Producer David Minkowski was interviewed by the Czech Film Commission on the Prince Caspian shoot taking place in Prague. ” It is a big load and, at the same time, a challenge. In a relatively small town like Prague it’s really very hard to find enough good people and equipment for two Hollywood films at the same time,” says David Minkowski, head of the film department at Stillking Films. […]

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Narnia Film News

Prince Caspian Filming Begins in Czech Republic

Rather than resting on its recent achievements, the Stillking crew has plunged into two new film projects that will be filming in Prague over the next couple of months. Up at Barrandov, Prince Caspian, the second part of the Chronicles of Narnia, began shooting Sunday, April 1, while across town at the Prague Studios, the cinematic version of Mark Millar’s cult comic Wanted, under the helm of the Moscow-based Kazakh Timur Bekmambetov, is gearing up. […]

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Narnia Film News

Prague Casting Riders for Caspian!

Disney is shooting the second Narnia movie in the Czech Republic April – July. We need English speaking men between the age of 30-50, who are good horse riders and who look Spanish. Acting experience is helpful. Thirty days of work during the shoot period. Candidates should reside in or near Prague. […]

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Narnia Film News

‘Caspian’ to qualify as U.K. movie

Tarva2Alambil sent us a link to a story on about Prince Caspian. It seems that all of the confusion recently about the filming locations is because of misunderstood comments, or poor communication of what was actually happening with regard to Britain. […]