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Narnia Film News

NarniaFansCast – Episode 44: Prince Caspian Impressions!

After a long hiatus, we’re back! Roger Thomas and John Burkitt bring you their first impressions of Prince Caspian (the movie, not the book…they have 12th impression of the book). The show is rounded out by a new Bard’s Tale, “Good Luck” which is anything but! […]

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Narnia Books

NarniaFansCast – Episodes 17 and 18

Sorry about the late updates, but here we go. In episode 17, when host John Burkitt (EveningStar) and Austin Furey (CSLewisFan) get into it, anything is likely to happen. And it did. News, reactions, book and movie talk , and a poignant Byron on Wells story round off the program. In episode 18, your host Andy Filipowich is joined by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) and John Burkitt (EveningStar) to discuss location news for the upcoming Walden Media film of Prince Caspian. They also do a take on Book and Movie Talk and John performs his Byron on Wells story “A Beaver’s Responsibility”. We are gradually changing elements of the soundscape…let us know how we’re doing! […]

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C.S. Lewis

NarniaFansCast – Episode 13

John Burkitt (EveningStar), Paul Martin (Specter), and Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) team up to give the news and discuss it. The Bard’s Tale segment features a short story by John Burkitt, “The Statue in the Library.” In Movie Talk, we speculate when the first bits of “Prince Caspian” will make their way to audiences, and in Book Talk, we ask a couple of tricky questions of our panelists. Which ones? Listen and find out! […]

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C.S. Lewis

NarniaFansCast – Episode 12

The newest episode of NarniaFansCast has just been released! Join Paul Martin (Specter) and Austin Fury (CSLewisFan) as they discuss the news, talk about the upcoming movie, and answer questions submitted by YOU! Also included is a new short story by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) called “Complications.” […]

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Narnia Books

Narnia Fans Podcast – Episode 8

This includes a wrap-up of the news, Andy, Roger and Kelson are joined by John Burkitt, author of Byron on Wells and Heart of Ice for the News Discussion. The fifth episode of the six-part weekly serial “Heart of Ice”. And of course our movie and book discussion. […]

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Narnia Books

Narnia Fans Podcast – Episode 7

This includes a wrap-up of the news, Andy and Roger are joined by Andy’s son Kelson for the News Discussion. The fourth episode of the six-part weekly serial “Heart of Ice”. And of course our movie and book discussion is always interesting. […]

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Narnia Fans Podcast – Episode 4

Episode 4 of our podcast from for August 7, 2006. When you want to lose yourself in a great story, you can’t beat C.S. Lewis’ classic “Chronicles of Narnia.” When you want to find yourself in a great online community of Chronicles fans, you can’t beat and its forum The Dancing Lawn. […]