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Narnia Games

Gamespot has Narnia Game Screenshots

The first in C.S. Lewis’ classic cycle of children’s book will come to life this year, both as a Walt Disney Pictures holiday film directed by the same director of the Shrek movies and (this fall) as an action adventure game due to hit all major consoles, two handheld devices, and the PC. […]

Narnia Film News

Narnia Preview Clip: Behind the Magic of Weta

Download the Preview now! I’m working on getting screencaps up. Would have had them up sooner, but I received “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Special Extended DVD Edition” a day early, and you know what that means. I spent most of the evening visiting Middle-earth!

Anyway, the preview of Narnia is available for download at some links below, and I’ve taken 1000 screenshots and cut it down to 100:
First 25 shots
75 More shots […]