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Narnia Plays

Nashville’s Festival of Narnia

The Festival of Narnia featuring two stage shows for the whole family will play at the Shamblin Theatre, opening after Thanksgiving and running through the holiday season. The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe will run from November 24th thru December 17th and The Magician’s Nephew runs January 5thth through 13th. The plays incorporate full casts, wonderful costumes, and creative sets as well as special intermission activities for children including spot prizes, Lion Juice and genuine Turkish Delight Candy! […]

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The Right and Left Paws of Aslan

The idea of a “left wing” and “right wing” in politics and society is a fluid one, subject to a lot of confusion. You can’t understand liberals unless you know what they want to liberate, and you can’t understand conservatives unless you know what they want to conserve….It may help us toward clarity if I attempt, presupposing what I think to be reasonable modern definitions of the left and right, to identify some places in The Chronicles Of Narnia where C.S. Lewis expressed sometimes liberal ideas, and sometimes conservative ones. […]

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C.S. Lewis

NarniaFansCast – Episode 12

The newest episode of NarniaFansCast has just been released! Join Paul Martin (Specter) and Austin Fury (CSLewisFan) as they discuss the news, talk about the upcoming movie, and answer questions submitted by YOU! Also included is a new short story by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) called “Complications.” […]

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C.S. Lewis

Lewis Inspires Lunch Debates

C.S. Lewis Societies are nothing new, but they are gaining in popularity. There is no doubt that the recent films based on properties of Tolkien and Lewis have helped to inspire more people to join these groups, or start new groups at colleges and universities across the country and around the world. […]

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Narnia Film News

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Comes to Life

Filming C.S. Lewis’ masterwork, the seven books that compose the Chronicles of Narnia, has been something of an impossible dream for decades. Ever since the first of the books, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” was published in 1950, children and adults have adored them alike – they have been perennial bestsellers for more than 50 years. The history of Narnia has everything: magic, adventure, tragedy, humor, and triumph — it’s not surprising that Hollywood has longed to bring it to the big screen. […]

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C.S. Lewis

Author ‘opposed live Narnia film’

A newly-revealed letter by author CS Lewis has shown he opposed the idea of a screen version of his Narnia books, now adapted for a major film.
Lewis said TV versions of the animals in his books would result in either “buffoonery or nightmare” and criticised Walt Disney for “vulgarity”. […]