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C.S. Lewis

Lewis & Tolkien, faith & friendship

When C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien first met on May 11, 1926 at Oxford University, where Tolkien was a professor of English language and Lewis a professor of English literature, they initially didn’t hit it off. Tolkien didn’t think English literature held much academic validity. Lewis’ Protestant upbringing had taught him never to trust a “Papist”; Tolkien was Catholic. […]

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Narnia Film News

Is Aslan the King of Kings?

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a beloved children’s book about four British schoolchildren who pass through a wardrobe into a magic land where a witch has made it always winter and never Christmas. There they meet Aslan, the lion of the title, who offers his own life to the witch to atone for the treachery of one of the siblings. […]

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Narnia Film News

Chronicling ‘Narnia’: Disney’s plans to take fantasy tale to church

Until recently if you saw “churches” and “Disney” in the same sentence, you might expect the word “protest” to be lurking somewhere in between. But now Disney, which has run afoul of certain evangelical groups in the past, is wooing those same people in an attempt to create a film franchise the magnitude of “The Lord of the Rings” crossed with “The Passion of the Christ.” […]