Our very own moderator ~Rogue~ arranged an interview with Skandar Keynes, the actor that played the role of Edmund Pevensie in the latest version of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He is currently also signed to pick this role back up, when Prince Caspian starts filming toward the end of this year.
1.What is the significance of the necklace you always wear?
Oh that! Tilda Swinton gave me that in New Zealand and it’s a greenstone and it’s got like engravings on it which means strength and overcoming life’s difficulties and challenges. Oh and you can’t buy yourself one, you have to get someone else to get you one so Tilda gave it to me.
2.What’s your favourite band?
Urm Queen, Outkast, lots of soundtracks, I really love soundtracks oh and Red Hot Chili Peppers
3.What’s your favourite colour?
Favourite colour? Urm sometimes blue, yeah sometimes blue, yeah mainly blue!
4.Why were you wearing that purple glove at the Tokyo press conference?
Ah! That glove. (dratted inaudiable bit here – something about chums is all I got). Yeah that conference was the most nerve racking thing I’ve ever done. IF you stand in front of 7,000 people it’s not as bad as that one because there were so many people flashing their cameras and I was like Ahh crap! So yeah….
5.Have you ever met a fangirl and had a personal conversation with her?
Well urm yeh. The last time I spoke to some was like these 3 girls around London. They come and talk to me and I’m always like Ahh and they come over to me and they’re like really cool. And urm yeah they come to my house a lot which is sometimes very odd but yeh, I have conversations with them.
6.Would you like to be an only child or do you prefer to have siblings like you did in Narnia and have in real life?
I prefer siblings….sister..and when you’re like adults and there’s like someone to have other than just being by yourself. And it was quite cool on the set to have like everyone there.
7.When did you get your braces on? And what colours do you usually wear?
Urm well I got my braces on about a year ago on Wednesday and I may be getting them off on Wednesday. I can’t wait. At first I tried colours and then I just didn’t because they attract more attention to your braces. Grey is cool.
8.What did you have written on your hand at the Empire Awards on last Monday?
Urm, hang on I think I’ve still got it on my hand. Urm they’re notes, saying I have Mufti Day and doodling. I’ve actually got my name graffitied on my arm!
9.How many pairs of Converse do you own?
I had the originals, they were my black ones and then they got too old so I spray painted them blue. So I bought another pair and then I’ve got the red pair and then I’ve got these Converse trainers which are kinda like fake Converse and at the moment they’re replacing my normal games kit cos I lost my actual trainers. I always wear the red like never! I’ve worn them twice.
10.What kind of soap do you use?
Soap? I’m just going to have a look. Body shop, my sisters telling me! That’s the bar of soap you find on my sink. I use soap but I’m not like expert on soap. Sorry
11.What’s your favourite type of cheese?
Oo cheese! It’s cool. I like blue cheese, Brie, urm I like cheddar, stilton, yeah Stilton’s good. Oh and with everyone’s name after it you say cheese. So it’s like Nick Cheese and Gordan Cheese and everyone…
12.Do you think Blue M&Ms taste better than the others?
I’m really big on Smarties and Orange smarties they taste the best.
13.When you start shaving, will you use an electric razor or a regular one?
Urm, I actually tried shaving once and used just like a normal razor blade and cut off half my lip and damaged all my skin and it hurt for like 5 days because I didn’t use shaving cream or anything. Won’t be trying that again but I don’t know. Will uses an electric razor, he was like showing off with it in the make-up tent.
14.Boxers or Briefs?
Urm Boxers.
15.What do you think about at 1.20am?
If I’m at a sleepover, I’m probably calculating how much sleep I’m going to have or just thinking things generally, boring things.
16.Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have two cats, kittens, they’re like a year old and ones called Puss and one’s called Boots.
17.What shampoo do you use?
Oh I don’t know what it’s called. It’s like this yellow orangey one. And it’s just there, in the cupboard. Oh here we go, Citrus Shine.
18.Do you use Lynx or anything like that? (actual question, what do you smell like……..)
I did have a bottle but it’s so bad because all of my friends come round and start spraying it all in my room and then I get a lecture and yeah so it always get used up but yeah I have a Lynx thingy.
19.Do you have a middle name?
Yes, can’t remember which way it goes round. Ok it’s Skandar Amin Casper Keynes.
20.Does Anna have Myspace?
Urm I don’t know. I used to have one but I couldn’t get people to leave me alone so I stopped.
21.How do you deal with all the crazy fan girls you have? (from Thomas)
Some else does it not me. Sometimes they come to London and try and see me and my friends are like no it’s not him and sometimes they are like yeah it is him! And shouting.
22.Oh and the inevitable, do you have girlfriend/what’s you love life like?
Urm at this moment and like recently, non existent. But things could change you know but I just like ended something.
23.Why do you hate hugs?
I don’t hate hugs! It’s because Will, when he hugs you, tries to suffocate you. He starts squeezing so hard and it’s like OMG. And Anna, she’s like dead patronising, it’s like urgh. And then Georgie is like ah give me a hug. And it’s like OK! And with Andrew all of his long hair sort of gets in the way.
24.Is it true you sleep with a teddy bear?
No! I don’t have any sort of stuff animals in my room. I have some cool stuff but not animals.
25.What’s your favourite TV show?
Family Guy. Yeah it’s amazing. I have all the series on DVD and they’re making a fourth. Yeah Family Guy and Scrubs. Me and my friends are always quoting Scrubs!
26.Where would be your ideal place to live?
Some really cool place in the Pacific Ocean or the South of France or Spain. Somewhere hot and by a beach. The thing about England is it’s always rainy and cold.
27.Who is your celebrity crush?
Urm, Jessica Alba is pretty cool. I dunno. I don’t obsess about celebrities like some of my friends do.
28.Do you have a religion and if so what is it?
I am an Athiest. I know the films really Christian and everything but it doesn’t really affect me. Oh and you know I’m related to Charles Darwin.
29.What’s your favourite meal?
Nandos! Nandos is like amazing. And Chinese. And then you’ve got pizza! Urm I’m a fan of Indian food but not like an amazingly big fan. Oh and last one fish and chips.
30.Can you give us some prank ideas?
Attacking people from behind when they’re not expecting it! Every time I go to a friends house and if they haven’t realized I was coming, I walk up behind them and it’s all silent and then they will actually jump a mile. Really. They freak out.
Oh and have as much fun as you can in Art with paint. That’s my bit of advice. Just don’t go spreading it on other people’s work. That never really works out too well. It’s fun to chuck it on each other.
31.How tall are you?
I am 5”5 ½, 5”6!
32.Have you worn this T-shirt? everything that she said really in blue
Oh T-shirt woman! What does it mean?! It has something written on it but it’s really confusing I have no idea what it’s on about. Yeah I’ve got and I’ve worn cos you need a white t-shirt.
33. Have you ever been to Finland?
URm no. Sorry. I’ve never been to Finland.
34. Are you going to Memphis next week?
Am I? I should probably check that. I may be now! Don’t think so but it may be a satellite one.
And there you have it. Pretty interesting interview, if only about surface things. Maybe next time, there will be more stories from the set of the movie or something.
i’m skandar’s cousin and i’m going to tell him that you all are fighting over if he’s atheist or not
Heyyyyyy tell him I said hi! I hope I somehow see him in London when I go there:)
Oh really? Erm, do you actually have proof ya know? But anyway, if you are his cousin, tell him i think he’s a brilliant actor and uh…oh fine ill admit it! I think he’s cute and so much like me! There!
hey!!! you r really his cousin OMG!!!!!!! tell him tht im 1 of his biggest fans i really love him!!! his super cool!!! y in the world is he interested in BRITISH GIRLS???? OH C MON!!! any way i luv him sooo muchhh!!!!!i wish i was his GF really i am telling the truth i really reallyadly luvvv himmm!!!!!!
Guys lets get real none of us would have a chance with skandar so why talk about him, everyone commenting should realize he could be reading this. 😀
sure your his cousin.. look I’m obbesed with the Narnia series but finding out Skandar was athiest, omg I was super sad I mean he’s a brilliant actor and now its like oh everything’s different now I have an entire different point of view for him now.
I know right =/
I know, bummer……
right, same here! but d’ya think he can go for a debate? cause i like debates with athiests and i’m christian 😀 lol
printed all these comments because they’re soooo hilarious! Hahaha!
Skandar, you’re like…PERFECT. i’m natasha and i’m from indonesia. i was kinda disappointed to hear that you’re only interested in british girls 🙁
Wow, this is pretty good!
It’s so cool u r skandar’s cousin. I’m going to London for spring break, so yeah, I am crossing my fingers that I will meet him. He is a great actor and a cool guy. I wish I could fan-email
Him somehow and say hi and stuff. 🙂
Skandar, I hope u see this but it’s too bad u r interested in Brittish girls only (whoever said that) 🙁
I was hoping u would like new York people like meeee 🙂 well
Anyway, u are my favourite actor so yah 😛
All right i’ll tell Skandar you all say hi. @Alyssa i really am his cousin. i swear. about proof what kind do you want over the internet?
what is skandar’s religion??
Athiest. He doesn’t have one.
but i ever know when skandar in westminster abbey..
i’m sure its him,,…
Hey coolgirl, does he ever read this site? And could you ask him to if not? And has he given up acting for good?
…Why are people still commenting on this? haha
“Oh Skandy, can I have your number? Oh pretty please? Oh I’m going to faint…” 😉
it’s still alive… ha ha
Cool interview! I’m a fan… Well considering fan is short for fanatic I guess I just like his acting. I love the movies and the character Edmund! Every time I watch the movies with my b-f he would get so jealous because I would just blurt out how handsome this guy is. Ha, I admit it… He’s cute.
He’s only interested in British girls?? Dx Oh well. Big enough age difference anyway (Me = 14, 15 in June). But Skandar, if you see this, I wanna say that you’re an awesome actor!! I really wish I could see you in some other Narnian movie, it’s gonna be sad if I don’t see you or Georgie or Anna or William again in a Narnia movie…;_; Also, (not goin fangirl here) but you are a good-lookin guy. So good luck in your ‘career’ ( ;D ), your personal life, and generally everything. Thanks for being an awesome actor for an awesome movie. =)
Hey! These are some cool answers! It would be pretty cool to actually meet Skandar, but I’m not the type of girl you freaks out over celebrities. When ever I see a celebrity and fans are screaming, I always think ” Give it a rest! Their just like me and you! It doesn’t matter if they been in a movie or not!”. I once met Daniel Radcliffe and it was funny cause he saw me and I was just standing around looking bored and he asked me why I wasn’t screaming. I said that he was just like me except he was in a movie. He laughed. Well anyway just wanted to say that. Skandar Keynes, if you read this thanks I suppose and I really wish I could get to know someone who appears to have a great personality. Just by watching you be interviewed tells me that you are an amazing person and that you will always help your friends when they need it. 🙂
I know, I’m commenting after a long time, but I was wondering…When will you have another interview with Skandar? Or will you ever have one? Please let me know! 🙂
Seriously I want to meet Skander when I go to London(I wonder when that is;after all I am living in Dubai)…………………………
Hi.I am a huge fan.I wish I could meet you.Besides I am British.And by the way you are very cute.And I am preparing to be an actor,just like you.BYE.
Hi.Its selena again.You know that my birthday is 6 days after yours.My birthday is on 11 september.I am turning 16 this year(2011). I know that you can play cornet,cello,flute,guitar.Well I can play flute and guitar.I am also very very good at acting and at singing.I am also a proffesional in swimming and gymnastics.Oh,and by the way I am British but my mum is Syrian,and my dad is Turkish.Hope I see you in London.Bye.
MY birthday is the same as his!!!! 😛
My birthday is on 11 September aswel. I live in New Zealand. Which is where they filmed some if the movies. I am his #1 fan. EVER
Hahaha…LOL to read all the comments 😀
cannot wait for the next series of narnia film >>> Sylver Chair
by : indonesiamerdeka ;D
Yes! I wanted to watch them until the last Battle! :)) let’s hope for that! 🙂
totems can be scary if you do not know what the heckfire you are doing
this has nothing to do with Devon’s most embarasing moment
SKANDAR, look me up, you know who this is. OK!!!!!?
Hey Skandar, I hope you’re reading this! I loved your performance in all the narnia movies so far, and you’re amazing! I hope I can meet you someday! *keep my fingers crossed*
Girls..girls! calm down!,About what you said that no one of you has a chance with him..COME ON!..chances shouldnt be limited cause you arent “Enough”,you just have to leave him alone in his Twitter and stuff.. cause as you read he closed myspace for that reason..i am sure mr. Skandar would like to meet you all(the prettiest fans ever)..but stop the celebrities/fan harassing!..
lol, right!
I agree with yall I mean yes he’s REALLY CUTE and a GREAT ACTOR and things he has his own life too you know!!By the way will you tell him that I say hi.Thanks
Hey, hello: I’m Italian, as you maybe could understand from my name, so my English is not so correct. I’m only telling that’s interesting: the interview and the fact that there’s his cousin; I don’t know if actually you’re his cousin, but anyway, I like him as an actor, and I agree: h’s pretty cute. I’m not so happy he says he’s Atheist, but anyone can have their own idea. Thank you for this informations!
Well, C.S.Lewis the author of the Narnia books was himself a confirmed atheist once, and then became a confirmed Christian. Who knows? What a person says they are one day they may not be the next. Everything changes.
Well hi, I’m from North America. I really like him as an actor and he is the most, I really admire him, he is my favorite actor and he is really handsome but, I’m not that kind of crazy fan. I think the celebrities as Skandar are people that need their own personal life and he needs personal space. I have no problem if he is athiest, it’s his decision and we as fans mustn’t criticize him, I’m catholic and for me It doesn’t make sense to criticize a person because its religion.
I am an asian. I really like him and I hope see him in more movies.