A book is hitting shelves next week that could explore the territory that the filmmakers have been walking. The artwork is right out of the first film, with alterations that could very well be from concept art for Prince Caspian (it is late enough in the year for most of the art to be completed). Here is the book in question:
The Return to Narnia: The Rescue of Prince Caspian
Forum member Lioness_Aslan wrote: Hey this is Lioness_Aslan from the forum. This morning I checked my e-mails and found an Amazon.com one. It said that there was this new book called The Return to Narnia: The Rescue of Prince Caspian. I thought that maybe they had changed the books name but I realised that this was not yet released and it was the Hardcover. I don’t know if I’m the last one to notice this but just to let you know about it. Here is the amazon link.
The description of the book: In this thrilling full-color picture book, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia for the first time since The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to help Prince Caspian in his fight for the throne.
– Reading level: Ages 4-8
– Hardcover: 32 pages
– Publisher: HarperCollins (September 26, 2006)
– Language: English
– ISBN: 0061131105
Will this give us clues as to the structure of the story, as it will appear on film? We’ll have to wait and see.
UPDATE 1: Narnia Spy Stephen sent us this: Hi there. I just saw your story about the artwork (Matthew Armstrong’s) for the upcoming PC picture book. I can say that it isn’t any sort of PC concept art, it’s the artist’s own illustrations loosely based on visual ideas from the first movie. The book has already been advertised for quite a while and isn’t really anything to do with the upcoming movie. It’s a summarised version of PC, just like the picture book that was produced based on the story of LWW. There is a second picture book based on PC that will be coming out as well. So nothing as exciting as movie related stuff, unfortunately.
[Order The Return to Narnia: The Rescue of Prince Caspian (Hardcover) from Amazon.com]