Narnia Fans Mailbag #18

Q: Hi! Do you/Can you give me information on how to contact the producers and/or directors of Prince Caspian?


A: Hey GK, I actually cannot give you that information. You must understand, giving that information would be very hard on the creative team, as they’d be inundated with hundreds of e-mails. We want them to finish Prince Caspian on time, so they can move to the rest of the Narnia books as quickly as possible, and we don’t want to slow them down with hundreds of e-mails. I know that isn’t what you wanted, but I hope that helps!

Q: Is Harry Gregson-Williams related to Rupert Gregson-Williams? And do you know if Harry Gregson-Williams will be composing the music for Prince Caspian as he did for LWW?

-strawberry ‘n’ fledge

A: Yes, Harry Gregson-Williams is the brother of Rupert Gregson-Williams. Harry Gregson-Williams is signed to score Prince Caspian.

Q: WARNING! THE LAST BATTLE SPOILERS IN THIS ONE! (regarding question from last week) So is it possible that Susan will ever get into Narnia? Because wasn’t one of the worlds closed/destroyed?


A: Haylee, there are two parts to this question that must be understood. The first is that our salvation is a gift that we’re given freely, but that we can always change our mind (we do that when we sin, which is why we ask for forgiveness). Based on the text, it appears that Susan has decided that faith like that was something of a childish thing, and it is possible that she never re-discovered that faith. (But remember, we are supposed to have the faith of a child!) The second part of the question is that Narnia was destroyed, but what is the Narnia that they all went in to? The answer is very simple, when you know who Aslan is. If Aslan is Jesus, the new Narnia is then Heaven, and that means Susan could possibly find her way there, if she ever comes back to the faith. The simple fact is, Lewis wrote no more books on the subject, so we’ll never really know Susan’s final fate.

Q: Are they making movies to all seven chronicles of narnia?


A: That’s the hope of the film makers, Walden Media (which owns the rights to make all seven) and Disney (the promotional partner), and of all of us fans.

And that’s it for Mailbag #18!