Narnia Fans Mailbag #16
We’ve just posted the sixteenth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered five letters this week, covering the blooper reel, costuming and hairstyles, Prince Caspian, and more. Keep those e-mails coming!
We’ve just posted the sixteenth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered five letters this week, covering the blooper reel, costuming and hairstyles, Prince Caspian, and more. Keep those e-mails coming!
An actor is sought to play the role of Glenstorm in Prince Caspian. The requirement is for a male, aged 50+, black, preferably at least 6′ tall and of African descent, and with good upper body definition as he will be required to perform shirtless. The character is a Centaur, the leader of the Narnians. He is strong and imposing; dignified and honourable. Glenstorm is the father to many sons who fight alongside him in battle. This is the only role currently being cast. […]
Magis Theatre Company will stage an adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ novel THE GREAT DIVORCE in collaboration with Eastern Gate Entertainment at Theatre 315 in New York City’s theatre district. Here’s a trailer for it! […]
Much of the damage done in this world is done by people who don’t exactly mean to rebel against God–they just figure they have a better idea. And even in the peripheral zones of human creativity, it can happen that people make “improvements”–which AREN’T…. The existing Narnia movie, while I would have done a few things differently, does NOT feature any alterations or expansions which I would consider damaging…I am, for the record, confident that the future films WILL be done right, and that I will have no serious complaints. But perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to imagine (and so be forewarned against) some “anti-improvements” which could occur if scripts for the follow-on movies were to be written by writers who DON’T appreciate the vision of Mr. Lewis. “Prince Caspian” being already scripted, I’ll start with “Dawn Treader.”
Charlotte’s Web is coming out this December, from Walden Media. They’re an awesome company with a lot of great things going that we can emulate. We can even use their ideas and take part in their contests and everything. I just got a call from Walden Media, and they told me all about some pretty awesome things that Walden Media has going on. […]
This week, host Andy Filipowich is back, sharper than ever. He swaps news and views with Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) and Paul Martin (Specter) including speculating about casting calls for Prince Caspian. […]
Narniaweb has interviewed Henrik Tamm. Tamm worked as a concept artist on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and is currently working on Prince Caspian. You can also see some of his fantastic concept art pieces. […]
We’ve just posted the fifteenth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered three letters this week, covering fan poetry, Prince Caspian, Lisbeth Scott, Aslan’s Mane and more. Keep those e-mails coming!
The Festival of Narnia featuring two stage shows for the whole family will play at the Shamblin Theatre, opening after Thanksgiving and running through the holiday season. The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe will run from November 24th thru December 17th and The Magician’s Nephew runs January 5thth through 13th. The plays incorporate full casts, wonderful costumes, and creative sets as well as special intermission activities for children including spot prizes, Lion Juice and genuine Turkish Delight Candy! […]
Our Narnia spies have told us that only two of the boys that auditioned in the first round have been called up for the second round. Reportedly, director Andrew Adamson and the producers are in the UK, auditioning actors that are Hispanic in appearance and in their late teens. This would fit the story a bit more, and give Caspian a distinct feel. […]
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