Here is the Promo ad for the Disney-owned El Capitan Theater:
Thanks to Kevin for pointing this out!
Here is the Promo ad for the Disney-owned El Capitan Theater:
Thanks to Kevin for pointing this out!
The cast and crew of The Chronicles of Narnia are back in New Zealand this week to begin filming the second installment, Prince Caspian, next week. Kiwi director Andrew Adamson and producer Mark Johnson sat down with local media this morning to discuss the film, the cast and why they chose to film in New Zealand. […]
A Narnia fan was in Prague when she stumbled upon a set that was to be used for the filming of Prince Caspian. The set is a train station, made up with posters reminiscent of those on the walls in the Train Station in LWW. They’re very cool pictures that you can take a look at on her flickr account. […]
Kotaku is reporting that Disney is launching the DGamer feature with the Nintendo DS version of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This makes is possible to put yourself into the land of Narnia, at least virtually. Really cool concept, although it is not confirmed that you’ll be able to do that in the DS version of the game. […]
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