The new Trailer that we told you about is now live on’s Trailer Park. Watch it here!
To see the trailer in high definition, click here!
The new Trailer that we told you about is now live on’s Trailer Park. Watch it here!
To see the trailer in high definition, click here!
We’ve just posted the twenty-fourth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered three letters this week from such topics as the length of time between films, the age of Caspian vs. the actor playing him, and a call to find the Turkish Delight recipe that used to be found on! Anyone know where it is?
DALLAS—With Prince Caspian soon to be released in movie theaters across the country, and a whole new generation of children captivated by Aslan the lion and the land of Narnia, readers young and old are eager for fresh takes on the classic series.
Do you find yourself checking wardrobes for portals into magical lands? Do you engage in arguments over who is the more cunning warrior – the centaur or the minotaur? […]
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