Switchfoot’s This Is Home News

Land of Broken Hearts has reported on Switchfoot’s song that is appearing on the Prince Caspian soundtrack: Switchfoot has been soundchecking their new song, This Is Home, which is slated to appear on the Prince Caspian soundtrack, a lot lately. And finally – FINALLY – someone recorded it.

Erin wrote in to let us know: Andy Barron who is a good friend of the band commented on the boards about the video and this is what he said, “that little youtube clip didn’t even get to my favorite part yet!” awesome! Thanks, Erin!

Switchfoot’s Jon Foreman has posted a new blog about the filming of the music video for “This is Home”:

Last night we filmed the video for a song called “This is Home” written for the new Narnia movie. I think it will turn out great- we rented a subway station in LA (including a subway train!) sweet.

Highlights include:
-wind blown bits of paper flying at us at an incredible rate
-surprise folks walking around the video, (ie: Keith Tutt and more…)
-drew playing a jazz master
-romey playing an old yamaha CP 70, (after he battled a full day of cancelled flights to get there)
-got to see the daylights and co.
-worked with brandon dickerson again, (he’s such a great guy…)
-got to shoot a crazy boom shot at hollywood and highland on a sunday night. yes. so weird and fun.

The whole thing wrapped up a few hours ago in the wee hours of the morn. so now I’m here at LAX drifting in and out of sleep.

Order the Prince Caspian Soundtrack at Amazon.com