A blogger called Movie Mazzupial got a sneak peak at the set of the film the Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. She went along with a representative from AAP wire service and Channel Nine for the behind the scenes tour. Take a look for pictures of the Magician’s garden, from the set of the Dawn Treader. It looks beautiful however unclear the pictures are (they were taken on a phone).
This first pic is taken inside sound stage five and the terrible quality of my sneaky photo does not do this set justice. Basically, it’s an expansive garden set with an array of peculiar, somewhat creepy hedges. It gave off a very Alice in Wonderland feel and everything, EVERYTHING, was varying shades of green. It was designed by Francisco Blanc and took local craftsman eight weeks to put together. They will film on this particular set for only three days which is amazing considering the effort put into creating the garden wonderland which, might I add, was made by hand.
The Media Coordinator on the film, who flew in last week, said the craftsmanship behind the creation of the set had blown him away and was `just like anything you would see done in Hollywood’. Here he explains how the set will be incorporated into the movie; “This is the magicians garden in the story, Coriakin, and he has turned a society of people invisible and when the kids from Narnia sail to this island they need to find the spell that will bring these invisible people back to visibility. This set is case and point really, just look around you. This is built by locals, designed by an American, but that doesn’t make any difference. It was made by locals and it just goes to show the craftsmanship and magic exists here in Australia.”
You can read more about her visit to the set here.
It’s not at all how I imagined it but it’s ok. Will wait for better quality pictures.
I agree. I’ll wait until I see better pictures to decide whether or not I like it. It is pretty interesting though!
I agree to what you both said. Here is the passage from the book:
“They came upon a low land, lying like a cloud… but before them there were level lawns in which the grass was as smooth and short as it used to be in the grounds of a great English house where ten gardeners were kept.” (End Quote) It also says there is a courtyard with a pump. I don’t believe the set desighners read the book when they built this set!
I agree to what you both said, here is the passage from the book:
“They came upon a low land, lying like a cloud… For when they had crossed the sandy beach they found all silent and empty as if it were an uninhabited land, but before them there were level lawns in which the grass was as smooth and short as it used to be in the grounds of a great English house where ten gardeners were kept… Far off at the other end of this avenue they now caught sight of a house-very long and gray and quiet-looking in the afternoon sun.” (End quote) There was a pump in the middle of the courtyard. The pictures indicate to me that the set designers did not read the passage fromt the book.
Bad Qaulity. It is really various greens and really sweet.
I guess it’s ok.
Interesting… Maybe not quite what I pictured, but I agree with you guys: I think we should wait for better quality pictures.