Video of the Dawn Treader Set Visit from Channel 9

Australia’s Channel 9 visited the set of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and someone posted the video of the news report. They write:

A report from Channel 9’s Gold Coast News on the filming of the latest “Narnia” film underway at Warner’s Studios in Australia.

Of course.. it took a politician, in this case, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh to bring the TV News Crews in but they should’ve come anyway as this is a major production with some amazing and expensive sets.

Channel 10 News reported that the filiming was not due to begin until next month but I can assure you the shoot has been underway for a week now. Not sure where ten got their facts. 9’s report was more accurate.

Clean cut and talented Reporter, Brendan Hockings does a good job on this.

This is a multi million dollar project generating alot of work on the coast for locals and some imported crew and cast.

So far.. I can report they are actually ahead of schedule and powering through the production with few hiccups.. thanks in part to the latest bout of fine and sunny weather on the GC.

Even the restored set of the Ship being constructed at the Spit nearby is taking shape and may come into focus as early as Monday the 10th of August.. so keep an eye out if you are fishing or surfing there !!


  1. Honestly? I don’t know. It’s really not how I imagined it. It will probably look better in the movie anyway. How about the two men in the canoe who were being filmed? I wonder who they were..


  3. AWESOME!! i cant wait for december 2010!! I want to see a picture of skandar with his costume!! 🙂

  4. @ Sharhem: I thought so too but I thought he was supposed to have long hair for the movie, no? (he said so in an interview not long ago) Maybe I mixed it all up 🙂

    @ CaspianGirl: It’s at 0:55 to 0:58 Someone’s leg is blocking the view of the other man in the canoe, we can’t see his face.

    • Skandar is the one on the right (who gets blocked by the man’s leg), I am not sure who is on the left. It could be Ben, but it doesn’t look like him to me.

  5. @ georgie fan: Don’t know, haven’t seen him in a while, maybe. But the man looks as though he has a hint of a beard so.. I don’t know, what do you think?

    • sorry i didnt meean that guy, i meant the guy next to him that you only see for a second. he’s wearing a light blue shirt and has dark hair, the same color as skandar’s. i have no idea who the other guy is.

  6. This video has some awesome footage! The Magician’s garden looks better with a better picture. Will P. and Georgie look great in their costumes. Now, we just need a picture of Ben and Skandar in theirs. I so wish William M. and Anna could be in the movie for a minute or two. My excitement of the movie is raised to a fever pitch! This comment is kinda rambling; I’m so excited! Sail on!

  7. i don’t think the guy is the boat is either Ben or Skandar. You can’t tell who teh other guy is though, so he could be one of them…

  8. Woah! That courtyard looks way beyond what they discribed in the book. And wow, they’re setting a record!

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