After Disney left the project, the official website at Narnia.com was left hanging. Nobody was quite sure what would become of it, and for a while the link acted sort of funny. If you went to narnia.com, it would go to a 404 page at Disney.com. If you went to www.narnia.com, it would go to the HarperCollins Children’s books section on the Chronicles of Narnia books.
One really cool thing that happens when you move your cursor around on the site is that stars seem to follow it around. It’s all very magical, though somewhat plain, because it is so new.
Now, things are different. When you go there, you see the logo appear in flash, and a spot for news updates, as well as a facebook fanpage link as well as a link to the HarperCollins.
Visit the site at Narnia.com
Who or what is Selkie Productions, LLC?
Selkie Productions, LLC is owned by Frank Smith in Los Angeles, CA. It was registered on April 18, 2007. I’m pretty sure it has everything to do with Twentieth Century Fox, as Nim’s Island (http://www.nimsisland.com/) has the same text at the bottom.
All there is is the Narnia logo with a blank background. Where is all the “fun stuff?”
Don’t worry, CaspianGirl. It’s all coming.
I believe Selkie Productions LLC was the company set up up by Walden Media when they were producing Nims Island, which was also filmed in Australia. It is named after the Sea Lion character in that movie, who is called “Selkie”. I am surprised to see it is being credited as the main production company for VDT though, as more frequently through-out production we have seen “Dragon’s Prow Pty Ltd” or “Invisible Army LLC” used, and on individual occasions we have seen “Purple Sail Ltd” (which i suspect is the company name for the UK-based operations) as well as “Lone Island Productions” and “Invisible Island Productions”, all of which are named after various elements of the book.
Thanks for the info, Icarus! I think, then, that if I put the puzzle together even more: it’s easier to use a company that is pre-established in the United States, than it is to file paperwork and have it approved in short order for a new company. Not to mention all of the legal fees to go along with it. The ones in Australia are temporary filming companies that aren’t meant to be permanent but to allow them to act as a company while in Australia, in order to have employees. But Selkie is likely, then, a collaboration between Walden Media and 20th Century Fox, or something that one of the two might have set up.
Yeah, thanks. I realized that night. Thelastairbendermovie.com was like that for a while before all the photos and posters were released.
Did you see? They revamped the site today as well!
The Last Airbender Official Site Revamped
Thanks a lot for the notification, I can’t wait for the movie to come out, I sooo miss the cast of narnia on screen…
Yeah! It looks awesome!
agreed, so who’s your favorite charactar?
I like how the sparkles that follow your cursor look like light on water instead of being average little pixie-sparklies…
Oh, I love the sparkles! I really think that there should be something like an official countdown. At least, the background should be tinted slightly red, green, blue, or purple to make it not look so plain. Oh well. Hopefully there will soon be something like pictures or trailers on this website! 😉
OOOOHHHHH! Pretty sparkles! The logo is cool, but I can’t stand the suspense of waiting for the movie! I’m reading the book right now, though, and that helps! Heehee! 😉
oh, thank goodness the site is back!
The candle has been re-lit! And this time, it’s scented!
that’s very mystic. are you a poet? I like the candle thingy!
I can’t wait for the movie to come out! I typically don’t like seeing things in theater (I prefer to own the movie) but for Narnia I’ll make an exception, and see it when it hits theaters, even if I have to go alone!
i love aslan. how big is he?
aslan has no exact size, but in prince caspian the book, he mentions to lucy that “every year you grow, so will i.” so aslan is about your size, and is differant for everyone, just as God is. that is really who aslan is based off of, so like God, aslan grows with you.
I like how you put that. Great comment!
hey, whats up any one notice how big aslan is
I do now!LOL
Hi,i want to try out for the role of Jill pole in the narnia movies.how do I get an audition?thanks,by the way Jessica Hankinson is my real name.thanks bye!!!!!I’m 11
First thing, you need an agent. Second,get into acting in commercails,plays…ect. thirdy, do lost of research on acting…ect. And Forthly,pray.It is always good to do that;and actually God has started to open windows for me, when the doors are shut…! Hope this helps! (this goes to all the girls!)
(Please tell your parents first and see if it is alright with them;this gives big changes as in lack of privacy… Please don’t do it by yourselves it is dangerous out in the world!…ect!)
Oh, also I want to mention here that I have been making narnia posters!
Also I am starting my own book series. Book one is almost complete.(I am not releasing the title yet,but my brother loves the creatures and charaters i have made for it!)
My brother also is making his own book….but thats for another time!
I am thinking that it should completed around June 20th and out ;if published;around August! I am so excited!
When it comes out i will notify all of you! okay?
cool stuff by the way!
waiting for comments….i am bored!
SO BORED!!!! ANyone out there???? I would love to chat…no one seems to come here anymore!!!….weird???
Why don’t you do all the movies from the series I wish you would. This request was brought upon my from my grandmother who in wich has read all your books about 17 time2 each. I’m began to read them when i picked up The Magicians Nephew out of sheer bordem. Ad now i wish that you’d make all the movies. This would satisfy all your fans at the least I think this would. It would deeply satisfy my Grandma & I!
P.S. what movie are you doing next my grandma cant decide if it”s going to be The Silver Chair or The Last Battle?
IS there going to be a Silver Chair?
is there will be Narnia four…i hope you all will answer my question cause I was suffering for along time for Narnia 4…i’ll aways loved narnia…