We worked pretty hard on getting these screenshots from the trailer, and people appeared to be missing them in the other story. If you’d like to see the trailer and read the transcript, click here: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer World Premiere
Otherwise, we have, screenshots of all of the important events from the movie trailer, so you can get close up looks at everything and catch things you might have missed!
Thanks Narnia Fans for taking †he time to do this!
what are Peter and Susan doing there? That’s a question…
I have a feeling its just a part of their imagination at the very start of the movie.
I’m eager to see what’s up with Peter and Susan (but if you notice the pictures, all 4 of them are walking against the same backdrop, whatever it is).
And Nathan, granted Jadis is dead, but she represents the devil and evil. And evil never really dies. It only makes sense that she shows up. Thank goodness it IS a dream sequence.
these are awesome loving the idea of peter and susan being in the film, and i also like the idea of the white witch tempting edmund again, awsome special effects, but still got 2 wait just under 6 months to see the movie, sooo can’t wait 🙂
Green eyes on Queen – you think they’re gonna have Tilda do Silver Chair? 😀
and what is Jadis,the White Witch, doing there tempting Edmund again? She’s supposed to be dead and stay dead until Magician’s Nephew: the prequel to Lion the Witch& Wardrobe. Writers and Directors of Walden Media: You should try to make the movies as accurate to the books as possible! Don’t make C.S. Lewis roll over in his grave. And Don’t down play Aslan’s diety. He’s supposed to be a Christ-like figure.
Dream sequence. Don’t worry about it too much.. it makes sense in the context of the film.
It did make sense actually. I think it also makes Edmund’s character stronger the more he is able to resist her and not be tempted by her empty promises. The Susan and Peter part though, I will have to wait and see where that is because it doesn’t look like it fits anywhere particular. Overall, I LOVE the trailer. The lilies look AWESOME as does the Magician’s Book scenes. 😀 Ramandu’s Daughter looks a bit odd…I think they have her glowing a bit TOO much. But overall, it looks excellent!
But must we ALWAYS start the movies with one of the boys whining about being a king not a child? I can understand their frustration, and I think Lucy handled it better than Susan did in PC, but for goodness sake must it sound so whiny?
I totally feel you at whiny-ness with our kings here. Caspian was whiny, Peter was whiny, and now Edmund is. But think about it a moment – they’re all at the stage of life where boys whine about being able to grow up; they’re teenagers, and according to their own knowledge, no one fully understands their plight. I see this as a reason why Aslan would bring Ed back to Narnia to teach him how to grow up just that little bit more, that the presence of Jadis will remind him how much of an “ass” he was a child. I like this artistic take on the kids’ growing up. The reason Lucy seems so level-headed is because out of the four, she is and always has been, but she get’s her own hand whacked on the Magician’s Island, because she too needs to realize that there’s more to understanding others and self.
I agree to this!!!!!
I was very surprised to see Peter and Susan in the trailer and I fear it might be a bit confusing for the viewers who aren’t aware of the overall plot of the Chronicles. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, though, because I do like their characters. I’m just confused.
I’m sorry if I sound stupid or ignorant, but does anyone know what they’re doing there? I haven’t really been paying attention to the filming process, so I’m very out of the loop 🙂
It’s a small cameo. It makes sense in the film.
I used to be really unopen to the deviations that movie-makers have been making with the series, but I always missed Susan and Peter’s presence in Dawn Treader. I’m curious and excited for their cameo, whether it comes at the beginning or end, etc.
Picture nr 18 – with Lucy and Aslan – is Aslan a toy? Or is it just a bad angle? 😉 Oh, I’m looking so much forward to see this film 😀
I think it’s a reflection. I thought it was weird too until I read the transcript where it tells you that it’s a mirror… then going back to watch it, you can see it.
wow I can hardly wait untill december!!!
Love the trailer and the screenshots. Nice work.
I really dig the Magician’s cloaking-cloak. Awesome! It adds to his barefoot sneakiness.
Dufflepods looks great (realistic ankles), as does Eustace.
Two questions, though: Who’s the bald guy steering the ship, and how did Edmund get Sting from Frodo?
LOL. Glad I’m not the only one who thought that sword was Sting.
I also thought it was Sting!
Oh, and let’s give it up for Ninjafaun!!! Did he really just spear a guy on the ground then use the spear to vault into a flip then land a flying drop-kick on the guy in front of him?!! HAHAHA!!! I’m in ecstasy!! I LOVE Ninjafaun! He brought a tear to my eye as his furry hooves flew through the air with deadly rage. I’ll be watching that all day…
I think I’m gonna start a Ninjafaun fan club! Who would join?!
I’m in!
Susan is in there because when Lucy opens the book to release the spell on some creatures, she finds a beauty page where she compares herself to Susan, but I do not know about Peter
I wonder why they made Peter’s sword glow when Edmund is holding it… for that mater, why is Edmund holding it, Caspian’s supposed to have it… and why Lucy is carrying/using Susan’s bow? Interesting parallels. I guess they are the “older ones” now.
I particularly like how Lucy’s reflection turns into Susan’s in the magical book, and how she is wearing pants, because she’s the only girl on board and they are just so much more practical on a ship. More of Queen Lucy the Valiant.
and my new favorite quote is: “This place just get’s weirder and weirder!”
susan and peter were at the very beginning of dawn treader when, just before they went to the cousins house, peter and susan, were saying good-bye to ed and lucy. susan was going to the usa and peter was going to college. in the book jadis appeared to ed when they were at the the watering gold pond when they were being tempted by the greed, i’m assuming those r the scenes in the trailer
2 gud ……it is so cool ……i luved it…………..!!!!!!! nd the best of all is dat narnia is really lucky 4 me coz i hd ma result on the same day ven narnia 3 trailer released and i gt gr8 marks….i’ll surely watch da movie…cum soon 2 india …..i luv narnia …..!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
the bald guy steering the ship is drinian srry if i spelled his name wrong
y is aslan bodyless in the mirror?
i lake flim narnia, and fan some one is georgie henley
i wan wacthing narni3 3
I heard somewhere about seven swords being in the movie. Am I just imagining it or will there even be enough screen time to find SEVEN SWORDS????
when is narnia voyage of dawn trader releasing???