More New Dawn Treader Photos

Have we got some spoiler filled pictures for you from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader! If you wish to go to the film completely unspoiled, do not take a look at these pictures. They don’t give away a lot of things, but they do give away a pretty big thing. The origins of the pictures is unknown, but they were given to us by Stephanie, who runs Ben Barnes Fan.

The pictures feature Aslan, Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, Reepicheep, Caspian, Liliandil and Drinian.



  1. Apparently the children go back to our world in the similar way that they did in PC; not how I pictured it, but looking forward to it! *Was that the big spoiler?*

    • I think the big spoiler was that Capsian is with them there… and that they go home into the wave? I guess they don’t show the lamb!?

      • I expected them to cut out the “lamb”, it really would be kinda weird in a film ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Do these pictures mean that Caspian is there with the the others in Aslan’s country? (on the beach). He isn’t able to go there in the book. I’m curious how they’ll work that out.

    • Remember, they don’t really go to Aslan’s country… technically they only get to the edge of the world. Reepicheep goes on to Aslan’s Country.

  3. Looking good visually. Hey, a picture of the wave from whence cometh my username. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sail on VDT!

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