TV Spot #10 is now online! It includes some new shots, new lines from Coriakin, and more. You can watch it here on Youtube.
I’ve posted screenshots of it, along with captions, at my Picasa Web gallery.
Here’s a transcript of the dialogue:
On December 10…
[Coriakin] “Beware, you are all about to be tested.”
Their destiny begins.
[Coriakin] “Evil has the upper hand. To break the spell, you must be strong.”
Darkness will rise.
[Aslan] “Your adventure begins now.”
Heroes will unite.
[Caspian to the crew] “Never give in. Our world depends on it.”
The battle comes to life…in 3D.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Rated PG. In 3D, December 10th.
Wow…. Caspian does look exactly like Jack Sparrow!
This is because the Telmarines are direct descendants from Captain Jack Sparrow. Captain Jack was the first Telmarine to enter Narnia.
Woah, I never thought about it that way before…now it’s all making sense! Haha. I’ll remember this to tell my friends. “Jack Sparrow is Caspian’s great-great-great-great-great grandfather, once removed on his aunt’s side!”
I love this TV spot. I have not seen all of the TV ads, but this may be the best yet! Thanks for posting this Daniel.
So I saw this the other day, and I thought: “Hey, I haven’t seen this one online yet!” When the big word “3D’ comes on the screen, I’m pretty sure the shot is of the sea serpent wrapping itself around the ship seen from above! If that’s true, I’m glad they left that part in, because it’s something I remembered well from the book!