The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has passed the $300 million mark worldwide, and is still climbing. In the United States, it is outpacing the daily box office of Prince Caspian regularly. I have just learned that there is a potential release date for the Blu-ray Disc version of the film.
It looks like it could be out on April 13th in Region B (the United States is Region A). There is no press release confirming this release date, however, and it is all subject to change.
This information comes from Blu-ray.com, which is generally a very reliable source of information on Blu-ray. However, this entry lists Denzel Washington as the director, and a cast that doesn’t match in the slightest. Likely, this is a mistake on their part.
Good. But does it come out on DVD on the same day? I don’t have Blu-ray. Yeah first to comment!
Usually blu-ray and dvd releases on the same day. 😉
do we know if the “extras” will be included with the first release?
It’ll probably be out in April regardless because LWW was out in April. I would just like to know when so I can pre-order it! 🙂
good point!
I’m so glad to hear that the movie is doing well in theaters, and I can’t wait to get the DVD/Blu-ray! I was wondering though, does the money from DVD/Blu-ray sales of a movie go toward the production cost of the movie or help the franchise at all?
Good question!
My birthday is April 11! I cant wait!!!
My dog’s birthday is April 12 – maybe I’ll get her a DVD for a present. 😀
hahaha! thats funny, what kind of dog do you have? We used to have a German Shepard (before I was born) and then we got a jack Russel terrier, which died about a year ago, and now we are thinking about getting another Jack Russel, or a Beagle!
Oh, fun! Those are all really sweet breeds…
Ours is a lab/golden retriever mix. So… pretty big and really sweet.
I really like little dogs because they have a lot of energy (FYI: I am very hyper!) But I also like how they can just sit down with you through a movie or something! If I had to choose a bigger dog it would definitely be a Lab or Golden! a lab/golden mix sounds awesome! My all time favorite dog though is the boston terrier! I love the pug/boxer look it has! And the colors are so cool! Anyhow, why are we talking about dogs on here! this is a narniafans website not a puppyfans website! haha
I had a BEAUTIFUL dog! He died about a year ago and I miss him REALLY bad! He was HUGE! I really, really like big big dogs!
Patrick, my grandma has a Boston Terrier and he is crazy! I love him though…and I really want a Jack Russle. Really, I want a Great Dane!
…How did this whole dog thing start? 😉 And I am just keeping it going!
Anna: How was the boston terrier crazy? do you mean crazy as in energetic?
haha! well it started with Katy saying her dogs Birthday was on April 12 and maybe she’d get the DVD for it’s birthday! haha. and so then I asked what dog she had… and then we got started on talking about dogs!!! haha
i love that i come on here hoping to find information about the dvd release, and instead i find this conversation. i am happy now.
Will Fox offer an extended edition or just the theatrical version?
I hope so! I have the two discs of both Narnia 1 and 2. I need to keep up the tradition and get Narnia 3 with two discs. Come on Fox do it!!!! Also Narnia 3 has officially made more money than Narnia 2 if you look at what it cost to make and subtract how much it has grossed.
Denzel Washington!!!!!!! That does not work!!!! I hope that the DVD comes out during one of those rare times that I have spending money! I have both of the other ones and I have all the BBC. I really want VDT too. It was so amazing…I have seen it twice and I would go see it again!!!!
Cool! That will be great if it came out around April since my birthday is in the beginning of May. Wonder which of my sisters will get it for me.
I found this model replica of the Dawn Treader
thats awesome
nice! looks a little expensive though, and the boat wasn’t perfectly carved and painted or anything
can’t wait
Can’t wait too get it on blu-ray! 🙂 I wonder if it will come with digital copy, for my ipod touch….
i hope it does too!
I really hope it does!! My birthday is the 16th!!!