“Never Say Never”…unless it’s “APRIL FOOLS 2011”, in this case everything is “WINNING!”

Hey, folks, Jonathon Svendsen here. Yes, folks, as usual, it was all a hoax, perpetrated not only by me, but by my partners in crime.Β  We had a lot of fun hashing these jokes out and for the first time it was truly a collaborative effort. You all as usual were very good sports about it. Each year you prove that all are β€œWinners!”

For a moment, I didn’t think April Fools would happen this year. With the state of the movies in limbo following Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I had a hard time coming up with material. Yet sure enough once the news started the spoofs came, and boy did they come! This year we were fortunate to have not just one , but four contributors to our fun.

Please note, we here at NarniaFans intend our jokes to be good natured parodies. We love Narnia .We love our readers. But every good fan should know how to laugh at them selves.Β  That’s what we hope we give you all today:Β  just a little bit of laughter. However to those readers who were upset, hurt, or disappointed in us in any way shape or form, we apologize.

To reiterate, no. Family Christian Stores is NOT accepting pre-buys for The Magician’s Nephew. Dr. Michael Ward does NOT have a Planet Narnia 2 in the works. Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black are NOT playing Digory and Polly. NONE of the actors listed are auditioning for the roll of Andrew Ketterely (though some would be good choices, just not Gary Busey or Charlie Sheen). Miley Cyrus is NOT playing Jadis’ sister. Β The Screwtape Letters movie, while still in development DOES NOT have a cast, headlined by Ralph Fiennes as β€œScrewtape.” Joseph Mazello as β€œThe Patient” and Robert Pattinson Β as β€œWormwood” (though that picture of him was real.)And last but not list the last four Narnia movies HAVE not been greenlit and are NOT slated to be filmed simultaneously.

Thanks to Paul, Daniel, and Dave Β for their own contributions. They were truly something else. Also, thank you to reader β€œAravis Kenobi” for trying to get other readers to calm down a bit and have some fun. Clearly, after all your years following us, you are on top of the ball. Β Also, thanks to Β reader β€œBarbarian King” for taking some of our news and circulating it further in the miscellaneous threads. Β Β β€œAravis Kenobi” and β€œBarbarian King” are here by our (at least my) β€œApril Fools” Deputies.

Did we get carried away? Yes, I’ll admit to that. We do tend to have a bit too much fun on April Fools. Β But just keep in mind: it’s only one day. One day where the staff of NarniaFans like to just hang loose and have some fun. We hope you will always have fun with us, too.

Keep On β€œWinning!”


  1. LOOOL!!! THAT WOULD BE SOOOOOO TERRIBLE IF ANY OF THOSE CHARACTERS LIKE JUSTIN BEIBER PLAYED DIGORY OR POLLY!!!! They have to be awesome and cool and heroic…not some crazy singer…bleck…I’m still trying to rid my mind of Rebecca’s song, “Friday.” (No offense of course to those who are fans of her…cough, cough…)

    • Whew! I would of fallen over and never watched MN if it was real about Justin Beiber (hate his voice and baby face, sorry fans but I still think he is a good performer)! at least I wasn’t taken in (well…maybe a little!) Thank goodness-thank goo… πŸ™‚

  2. Wow…I’m an “April Fool’s Deputy?” haha. I was just trying to get people to lighten up, instead of being so darn uptight about things. Thanks though! I thought some of the stories were really funny, especially the Andrew Ketterley one. I think it would have been more complete with Johnny Depp on the list though. πŸ˜‰

      • That was Paul (Specter’s) suggestion. Gary Oldman, Crispin Glover, John Glover, Terence Stamp and Sam Neil have some believability to the as they are not huge “marquee” names. Gary Oldman for example is usually third (if not last) listed in films, ( Book of Eli being the exception). We figured listing Sheen would help indicate it was a joke.

    • Ha, ha. True. After all when it comes to internet casting rumors, Johnny Depp is bandied about or every roll and it’s mother.

  3. LOLOLOLOL!!! You guys are great!!! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the freek out and laugh!

  4. OMG it wasnt fun I thought the news were real cause I believe evrything I read in this page you dissopoint me πŸ™ really

  5. I must say… very creative this year. πŸ˜‰

    That one about the medieval food groups had me laughing out loud!

  6. great jokes, had me going on the first one until you said:
    “The first will release on April 1, 2013, two years from today,
    which happens to be April Fools Day.”
    I loved it!

  7. i just love u guys!!! last year i was totally taken in!! i believed it all (partly cuz i didn’t read it till a week later πŸ™‚ but it was still funny. and this year i was waiting for it! and you’ve definitely out done yourselves! great job!!! this is my favorite part of april fools day!

  8. It was awesome guys! I actually remembered that it was April Fools Day this year! πŸ˜€ I’m so proud of myself…. πŸ˜‰

  9. Just curious, who came up with the lyrics to the Justin Bieber song? It was so funny! I loved it! “I don’t eat apples/I only drink Snapples” LOL!!! It was awesome! I was cracking up! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    • Haha that was me. I’m glad you liked it! I was worried that no one would know what Snapples were…I couldn’t think of anything else to rhyme with “apples.” =)

      I’ll be releasing it on iTunes soon. πŸ˜‰ (I wish. haha. But if anyone else wants to do so, then by all means, go ahead!)

      • Awesome! I don’t drink Snapples, but I’ve seen them in stores and things. πŸ™‚ I’m still laughing over it… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

        • me too πŸ™‚
          Hey, Snapple is a fruit drink, so it can definitely be an apple alternative. Haha, i know NOTHING about how to release stuff on iTunes, but if i figure it out, i will totally work on that. Funny story, my mom went to get an apple from the crisper and she went to wash it and she was like “Ewwww” and i was like “What?” and she’s like “This is the second rotten apple i’ve found!”
          I did all i could to keep from rolling on the floor laughing. πŸ™‚
          A Happy April Fools to all, i think we all found our “inner fools”! πŸ˜€

  10. I loved all of the things you guys posted on the site! Each of them at least made me smile- or laugh out loud in some cases!
    Thanks so much for another year of fun!

  11. LOL!!! You really made me laugh with some of these April Fools quips. Thanks for the smiles.

  12. Both Gary Busey and Charlie “Winning” Scheen πŸ™‚ would make perfect Uncle Andrews πŸ™‚

  13. im sooo relieved all these are only april fools..gosh…i do not want to see justin,miley or rebecca acting..they just do not fit english characters…anyway all these jokes were not funny at all..sure it made me laugh..thanks narniafans for everything..

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