“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” -Phillipians 4:13 (NIV)
Check out this powerful scene from the hit movie Soul Surfer, based on the incredible true story of Christian surfer Bethany Hamilton. You can get a copy of the movie on Blu-ray or DVD in stores today.

ohmygoodness, soul surfer just came out in DVD today!!!! i am soooo excited!
Yay! Soul Surfer is a must-see!! 😉
Got the DVD yesterday! I am so excited to watch it!
AMAZING, AWESOME movie!! I rank it just below Narnia. It’s BRILLIANT!!!11
That was an inspiring movie! Its a must see!
I agree. I saw it yesterday, it was amazing!
ohmygoodness, I just saw it today, and it is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
I t.o.t.a.l.l.y. agree with Fireflower. It is a must-see!!!!
BTW, it’s soooo cool that AnnaSophia Robb and Carrie Underwood are Christians. Yipee!!! :p
I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THIS!!!! My youth group is watching it next weeeeeek!!!!
I watched this movie on Saturday with my parents. It’s really good!
as much as I would love to see the movie cause it looks like a really great story, can’t wait to see it!, I can’t help wondering what this has to do with Narnia. Is it because they’re both Christian movies?
Pretty much. There was an article on Soul Surfer, and I think Paul Martin or one of the other guys talked about how the movie franchise would like to do more Christian movies since the Narnia ones brought in so much money. Something along those lines.
(Paul, you can correct me if I’m wrong.)
The studios want to make sure that movies like this are actually profitable.