The New York C.S. Lewis Society has announced the speaker list for their event taking place the day after the anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis. The November 23rd event is happening at the Fulton J. Sheen Center for Thought and Culture.
William O’Flaherty spoke with James Como, author of several books about Lewis and the emcee of the event for his All About Jack podcast. Listen at PodOmatic! James Como, Professor Emeritus of rhetoric and public communication at York College (CUNY), is a founding member of the New York C.S. Lewis Society, Lewis author and media commentator, and an advisor to the Sheen Center.
And here are the biographies of each of the speakers for the event:
William Griffin has been an editor, writer, and translator for fifty years. He’s done major biographical work on C.S. Lewis, Billy Graham, and G.K. Chester-ton. He’s anthologized the works of all three as well as the works of J.B. Phillips, Dorothy L. Sayers, and Fulton J. Sheen. He has five Lewis titles to his credit.
Eliane Aymard-Tixier, a former Senior Lecturer in English at Toulouse University, has specialized in C.S. Lewis studies ever since her dissertation (on Narnia) in 1967. She has focused on Lewis’s religious thought in his works of fiction, and published various papers on the subject in France and the United States. She has also translated Lewis’s difficult novel Till We Have Faces.
Michael Travers, Professor of English at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, teaches courses in C. S. Lewis, Milton, and literature of the Bible and has served as a Senior Fellow of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture. His works are on the Psalms, literature of the Bible, and C.S. Lewis.
For more information, please contact Rosemarie Bruno at info@sheencenter.org or 646-794-3479. To register, send a check ($35 per person) payable to The Archdiocese of New York (memo: Lewis event) to:
Rosemarie H. Bruno
Sheen Center
1011 First Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10022-4112