The Lady of the Green Kirtle ,or the Emerald Witch, is probably the second most popular character in CS Lewis beloved Narnian Chronicles. Since the news of Narnia films was first announced fans have wondered who would play her .Would they hire a different actress or just have Tilda Swinton play the role? Well, NarniaFans Spy “Sir GooGoo” ,a source close to the production just who may be playing the character. Lady Gaga, one of the music industry’s most popular and polarizing performers Lady Gaga is “in final negotiations” to play the Emerald Witch in the upcoming adaptation of CS Lewis’ The Silver Chair.
“Lady Gaga is a bit of a chameleon,” A report says. “ It’s kind of fitting since she transforms into a serpent, which she did in a recent music video too! I think. I haven’t really watched it closely. It kinda freaks me out. Which works for the Green Witch!”
While the script is nearing completion, the casting director wanted to nail down Lady Gaga for the roll before her busy touring and recording schedule kicked in. Due to the limited amount of time The Emerald Witch appears in the story it doesn’t look to pose much of a scheduling conflict.
“She’s been in the studio, working with our mo cap department to develop the morphing scenes where she goes from human to snake,” says special effects artist Andrew Circle. “It looks impressive. And Scary.”
Lady Gaga also plans to submit a song for the end credits.
“This is going to be as big as David Bowie playing Jareth the Goblin King in The Labyrinth. Maybe even bigger,” says our source.
Come back tomorrow to hear an exclusive sneak peak of what is sure to be her next hit song!
In the meantime, watch her audition here.
Hahaha, that’s mean 😀 I did wonder though, ‘bigger than Bowie’?
And April Fools to you too Jonathon.
Thanks! You too!
Haven’t laughed so much in weeks 🙂 The bestest news ever. Good work Jonathon and Happy April Fools Day:)
Thank you! I aim to please. You guys are getting good at this!
I am so very glad this is a April Fools!
I was appalled just to be reading it…told my children…well I guess our watching the series is over.
You really Fooled us!
haa haa
Imagine if this was real though!
You almost gave me a heart attack!
Though it’s absolutely unbelievable, at the same time it’s weirdly believable!! Hahaha
But don’t give anyone ideas. A casting person with no soul who is paid to make the film series more popular might actually do something as lame as hire Lady Gaga for the role. (ok i know it’s not as simple as that)
lol good one though
I can see it now – “Your on the right track, baby, Harfang is that way!”