Name the Lady of the Green Kirtle for The Silver Chair Movie!

The Silver Chair has updated today with a contest. They’re looking for a name for the Lady of the Green Kirtle for the next Chronicles of Narnia movie, The Silver Chair.

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The Lady of the Green Kirtle, also called Queen of Underland and Queen of the Deep Realm, is the main antagonist in The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis. She is sometimes called briefly the Green Lady (an analogy with Jadis, the White Lady), and she is known also as the Emerald Witch; none of these names, however, appear in Lewis’s text. She enslaved Prince Rilian of Narnia and a horde of gnomes by her witchcraft, and plans to use them to take over Narnia. She is foiled by three friends of Aslan: Eustace Scrubb, Jill Pole, and Puddleglum.

We are inviting Narnia lovers everywhere to take on a simple challenge – write a name for Lewis’ character that will be used in the forthcoming The Silver Chair movie. Being known only as The Lady of the Green Kirtle doesn’t make for easy dialog. We want to add a name for this character by which other characters can address her in the script. And, we’ve opened the door for anyone to submit a suggested name for this character.

Here’s a little background:
Race: Unknown (Northern Witch)
Nation: Underland
Gender: Female
Title : Queen of Underland

Mark Gordon, Producer, David Magee, writer, and Douglas Gresham, C.S. Lewis’ stepson, will make the final choice on which name will appear in the final movie. Good luck fans and Narnia lovers everywhere—let the names begin!


  1. Hello everyone, my name is Carlos I´m big fan of Narnia (my favorite book of Narnia is the magician’s nephew.I think the best name for the Queen of Underland it could be Anguem, the meaning in latin is snake, so she was the snake that killed Rilian´s mother,it´s a short name, easy to remember and the meaning is relevant to the history. what do you think? I hope this little opinion help

  2. Mahi-panna -> the name is Sanskrit (both parts) and literally means “world green”. Or you can reverse it and have Panna-mahi…

  3. Verabowen

    Though also found in yellow, bowenite are mainly green stones from the serpentine mineral antigonite, which is an otherwise soft rock. The green gems range in color from dark green to olive green. The green rocks are opaque to translucent, the latter being rare and accordingly expensive. The green gemstones are sometimes sold as jade.

    + Ver from verde for green

  4. Maya- means illusion in Sanskrit and has a lot of significance in Buddhist philosophy. Would fit amazingly well with the character!

  5. ‘Lamia’ –Lewis may actually have had this character in mind:
    Lamia is a Greco-Roman version of the demon Lilith, with the lower body of a snake. How perfect is that !
    We assume ‘The Lady’ is related to the White Witch, and The White Witch is the offspring of Lilith and a giant.
    From Wikipedia :
    ” Greco-Roman mythology[edit]
    Main article: Lamia (mythology)
    In the Latin Vulgate Book of Isaiah 34:14, Lilith is translated lamia.

    According to Siegmund Hurwitz the Talmudic Lilith is connected with the Greek Lamia, who, according to Hurwitz, likewise governed a class of child stealing lamia-demons. Lamia bore the title “child killer” and was feared for her malevolence, like Lilith. She has different conflicting origins and is described as having a human upper body from the waist up and a serpentine body from the waist down.”

  6. On the official page there’s another interesting information. It’s not about the Name of the Lady, but I could not miss it. Here’s the phrase:

    “Mark Gordon, Producer, David Magee, writer, and Douglas Gresham, C.S. Lewis’ stepson, will make the FINAL choice on which name will appear in the FINAL movie”

    What does it mean – final? Have they already decided that the SC would be the last film in Narnia series???

    I think it’s too early to make such statements. SC may be a very successful movie, and there’s no any reason to “cut” the series right now.

    • Ivan,
      I believe they just meant that the name you suggest could be used in the official movie. They might try different names while filming, but then decide on only one for the final CUT of the movie. I think they would have made a much bigger announcement if they had already decided that this was the last movie.

    • I’m sure they aren’t talking about the final film in the series as much as the finalized film. Movies tend to go through several drafts of screenplays before they get to the script they used for shooting. Kind of like with a paper for school, you have your first draft, revised drafts and then a final draft that you hand in.

  7. I gave the name Vira because it derives from the latin words of Virens, Viridis, Viradins. They all root to the word “green”. So I altered it slightly to sound more feminine and elegant a bit for the character. Actually I am already using it in my own stories, so why not.

    • Good choice! I submitted Eireann, from the Celtic term from which we derive the English name the “Emerald Isles”. Mainly as to me, there was always something about her that just felt “Celtic.”

      • That’s a lovely name. I was thinking along those lines. I also entered another name, but I’m not too fond of it, but it works. It is Ethelinda which means “noble snake”. She isn’t noble, but I guess we can have a little irony. I was thinking along British and Celtic names for her too.

  8. ‘Lamia’ –Lewis may actually have had this character in mind:
    Lamia is a Greco-Roman version of the demon Lilith, with the lower body of a snake. How perfect is that !
    We assume ‘The Lady of the G.’ is related to the White Witch, and The White Witch is the offspring of Lilith and a giant.
    From Wikipedia :
    ” Greco-Roman mythology[edit]
    Main article: Lamia (mythology)
    In the Latin Vulgate Book of Isaiah 34:14, Lilith is translated lamia.

    According to Siegmund Hurwitz the Talmudic Lilith is connected with the Greek Lamia, who, according to Hurwitz, likewise governed a class of child stealing lamia-demons. Lamia bore the title “child killer” and was feared for her malevolence, like Lilith. She has different conflicting origins and is described as having a human upper body from the waist up and a serpentine body from the waist down.”

  9. How about the name “Kuría Viridis” ? It comes from the Greek word “kuría” meaning “lady” and the Latin word “viridis” meaning green. So the meaning might be taken as Green Lady. I know it’s not very creative, but I think it sounds evil enough – if you roll the r’s and hiss the final s, which is how the Lady of the Green Kirtle would probably say it.

  10. Without having looked it up on Google can a Narnia fan let me know the meaning of the word Kirtle? Also since this character is defined as a ‘Lady’ can I suggest a name that does not let any of the other characters in this story know straight away that she is evil.

  11. I think her name should be Darfell. If she resides ‘underland, and – even though I’ve never read the book ‘The Silver Chair’, I think combining the words ‘DARK’ and ‘FELL’ is appropriate for this witch… especially since I’ve heard word on the street that she’s a master liar, and that apparently, there this scene where she tries to make the main characters think that Aslan and Narnia don’t exist. (?)

    I really think it’s becoming cliché to keep putting snake and reptilian metaphors/names with evil characters… it’s not original anymore. Sometimes, that works, but it will only go so far.

    I vote for the name ‘DARFELL’.

  12. An early Harry Potter film introduces the film goer to a palindrome in the Mirror of Erised (Desire). A similar device can be used for the Lady of the Green Kirtle by using the name Lady Eltrik (Kirtle in reverse). El I believe represents God in Hebrew and one meaning of trik according to the webpage is ‘to seduce without apprehension’. Therefore ‘to seduce in the name of God’ seems a good definition for Eltrik.

  13. I’ve read the Narnia Code, and Planet Narnia, in which it is shown that each of the Narnia books is based on one of the ancient planetary spheres. The silver chair is based on the moon. All of the references to silver and water/ wetness, as well as the insanity of the prince, and many many other things prove this to be accurate. Since Lewis also wrote the Ransom Triliogy, and names the moon Sulva in it, I think this wouldn’t be a bad name for her.
    She is NOT Jadis.. May have known her , even followed her, but was separate.
    Jadis was from Chairn, this witch was clearly (to me) a fallen star like Coriakin or Ramadau… Only one that had turned to evil…
    Reason for killing the wife of caspian (also a star), and kidnapping his son? Possible. Another link is magic. The Stars were powerful. Her being “of divine race” is also a clue. Lewis had stars in many of his writings as such.
    Just some thoughts from someone who has read lots of Lewis!

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