Recently, William O’Flaherty of Essential CS Lewis.com, and longtime friend and contributor for NarniaFans.com, attended the Inklings Week at Oxford. While there, he sat down with an interview with Walter Hooper, the man responsible for editing and preserving many of CS Lewis works. He has graciously shared with us a link to his “All About Jack Podcast” where you can hear the full interview in its entirety.

Among the topics they discuss Hooper’s favorite essays by CS Lewis, some unique stores from tracking down some of Lewis short works, how it felt to actually get a letter from CS Lewis, his feelings on that Hideous Strength, and Perelandra, and the never published edited version of Perelandra. They also talk about which essays of Lewis are essential for readers to encounter, and why Miracles, despite being one of Lewis’ “hard works” just why Christians should make sure to read that book. We also learn whether or not there will be another volume of CS Lewis’ collected letters, now that more have been discovered.
Have a listen bellow.
Runtime: 60 minutes.