New Chronicles of Narnia Film Gets IMAX Release, Thanksgiving 2026


In a groundbreaking move, Netflix has officially announced that its adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s cherished series, The Chronicles of Narnia, will grace IMAX theaters worldwide starting Thanksgiving Day 2026. This marks the first time since 2010 that Narnia will return to the big screen, offering fans a cinematic experience like never before.

The film, directed by the acclaimed Greta Gerwig, is set for an exclusive two-to-three-week IMAX run, showcasing on approximately 1,000 screens globally. Following this theatrical release, the movie will be available for streaming on Netflix beginning Christmas 2026. Filming is scheduled to commence in July 2025, with Shepperton Studios in the UK serving as the production base.

This collaboration between Netflix and IMAX is particularly noteworthy, as Netflix has traditionally been hesitant to extend theatrical windows. However, after months of negotiations, CEO Ted Sarandos approved the plan, highlighting the company’s commitment to delivering a grand cinematic experience for this beloved series. Discussions are also underway regarding a potential expansion into non-IMAX theaters before the film’s streaming debut.

Greta Gerwig’s passion for a theatrical release has been evident since her involvement with the franchise was announced. Netflix has pledged to market the IMAX release as a major theatrical event, branding the film as a “Netflix/IMAX” title—a significant concession to both IMAX and Gerwig.

While the specific book being adapted has not been officially confirmed, casting calls have been issued, seeking young actors to portray characters aged 10 or 11. This has led to speculation that the adaptation could be The Magician’s Nephew, where protagonists Digory and Polly are of similar ages.

As the project gains momentum, fans are eagerly anticipating more details. The return of Narnia to the big screen promises to be a monumental event, inviting both longtime admirers and new audiences to experience the magic of C.S. Lewis’s world in an unprecedented way.

Stay tuned for further updates as we journey back to Narnia.


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