Narnia Fans – See Soul Surfer this Weekend!

I know that this is off-topic and may seem to be a strange endorsement to all of you, but you should know this: it’s because of fans like you supporting movies like Narnia that Soul Surfer even came to be made.  The studios look for ways to increase the bottom line, and it’s no secret: it is a business after all.  But when it comes to wholesome family entertainment, the studios are learning that we want to support movies like this being made.  When they saw the numbers for each Narnia film (Dawn Treader has made over $400 million and growing), they saw that films with inspiring and Christian subject matter can be profitable and that we’ll show our support.

Soul Surfer is a movie that is based on a true story, and from what I have heard, it is a truly great film that we will all enjoy.  I encourage you to show your support of movies like this being made more often, and see the film this opening weekend.  Order your tickets now, go with a group, do what it takes to help increase the chances of this film coming out at number 1 this weekend, the most important weekend of a film’s release.

Soul Surfer is the inspiring true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton. Bethany lost her left arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer determination and unwavering faith.

Bethany (AnnaSophia Robb) was born to surf. A natural talent who took to the waves at a young age, she was leading an idyllic life on Kauai, participating in national surf competitions with her best friend Alana (Lorraine Nicholson), when everything changed. On Halloween morning, a 14-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere and seemed to shatter all her dreams.

Soul Surfer reveals Bethany’s fight to recover from her ordeal and how she grappled with the question of her future. Strengthened by the love of her parents, Tom (Dennis Quaid) and Cheri (Helen Hunt), and supported by her youth group leader Sara (Carrie Underwood), Bethany refuses to give in or give up, and begins a bold return to the water.

Here’s a video with Bethany Hamilton and Captain Jack Sparrow:

Here’s a Soul Surfer music video:

Viewers Respond to Soul Surfer:

More videos here, including scenes from the film.


  1. Bethany Hamilton is my hero!!! Seriousely, last year I did a project about her. I really want to see this movie…

  2. I won’t be able to see it this weekend most likely, but I would like to see it while it’s in theaters. It looks like a great movie, and I really hope they don’t water down Bethany’s faith! (It’s rated PG for thematic elements, along with an intense accident scene, so maybe they haven’t downplayed her faith much at all).

  3. I would love to see it! My sister and I are fans of Bethany Hamilton!!! She is so amazing!

  4. I am totally going to see this because it is a great story and I am a huge fan of both Anna Sophia and Carrie! (p.s. remember that Carrie sang There’s A Place for Us for Narnia)

    • Yes, it is. It is about a christian girl who loved surfing and after a shark attack keeped surfing without a arm!! It is an amazing story…you should look up ‘Soul surfer trailer’ it is amazing!!!!

      Hope this is helpful!

    • They say it is. No offense, but I don’t think guys should watch it. Too many half-naked girls.

        • thank you Caleb…for having a heart for purity!!! this movie really doesn’t represent Christian modesty…it may be a great true story of a girl who overcame…but also does damage to guys who are striving for purity in their thought lives, and also for Christian girls who are being sent the wrong message, that it’s okay to dress this way…when it’s NOT! the Bible teaches girls to dress modestly and in a way that doesn’t draw attention to their bodies, exact opposite of what this movie does! Thanks for standing for purity!!!!

          and to paul….just because culture accepts bikinis as okay, doesn’t make them okay! it’s pretty much like a girl walking around in her underwear…100 years ago wearing a bikini in public would’ve landed someone in jail!!! our culture is soooo far off and christians are slowly becoming okay with what culture says is okay. We are to be IN the world, But NOT of it! Rom.12:2

          • I know what you’re saying, Mel, and I respect that. But I also know that this topic is being blown well out of proportion. You’re acting as if the movie is nothing but a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue on film.

          • I agree with Paul that we should all try to be pure… But with more and more girls wearing bikini’s the pressure is on other girls to wear bikinis! it it is a very hard issue for guys who are trying to be pure… I do agree that this movie shouldn’t be supporting bikinis which is adding to the pressure for girls to wear them but as Paul said, “Have you ever been to the beach” from what I saw in the trailer, they were wearing some of the most modest bikinis I’ve seen…

          • Thank you so much for your post 🙂 When I saw the trailer I had to look away for half of it. And I didn’t see any “christian” morals even talked about, only “morals”.
            Paul: I have been to the beach, and it’s not anywhere near as bad as the beach on that movie, it seems like the people making it “liked” showing girls in bikinis. I know the morals are good, but there are some very bad ones as well. So what will happen if people watch this? Will have people who don’t give up when they go through problems, but then will have girls going around half-dressed and guys doing and thinking things that can’t be mentioned. The bad morals are outweighing the good ones, which is why I’m shocked that christian networks and organizations are supporting it. it can be kinda scary.

      • At least you notice! no offense girls, but those bikini’s are just underwear!
        ( i wear a one peace,plus it is modest..and the bible says that we should cover are selves)…but that is beyond the piont.

        • C.S. thanks for taking a stand on modesty! your right…bikinis are nothing more than underwear….and sometimes worse! Christian girls, striving to honor and please Christ, shouldn’t flaunt their bodies with immodest clothing….
          stay strong in your faith and convictions! 🙂

          • Thanks, you rock too! I am glad that someone see’s it that way. I thought people would be mad at me, but thanks for the encouragement.

      • not saying it doesn’t have a good message of courage….just think that guys striving for purity should think twice before going to watch this…because from what it looks like on the trailer, there’s alot of skin. they’d be better off soaking up God’s word than soaking up an eye-full.

      • not saying it doesn’t have a good message of courage….just think that guys striving for purity should think twice before going to watch this…because from what it looks like on the trailer, there’s alot of skin. they’d be better off soaking up God’s word than soaking up an eye-full.

        • One thing to be aware of is that guys can see a fully clothed girl and think the same thing as they do with a girl in a bikini. Should girls not be allowed in public?

          • No,no, no. lol. That is only because satan gets into there minds… and thats why girls should dress modestly…thats what i am saying.

            Boys don’t dress good too, sometimes. Those pants that hang down might be ‘cool’

            (I learned about clothing design last week; i think it was last week?) Also girls tight clothes and short skirts show too much skin, once again i don’t mean any offense , but it is the truth.(This doesn’t have anything to do with soul surfer; just a modesty dissusion.)

            So no girls shouldn’t stay inside and neither boys, just dress modestly, the way God says to in the Bible. (And just because christain bands wear the stuff doesn’t make it alright to wear)…get the picture?

            So what do you think now? Have any questions, just ask okay?
            But try to think about it first.

          • I don’t have any questions, but I’m going to edit out part of your comment because you don’t want to draw what kind of fire you might.

            Also, for the questions. Ahem… I know all of what you’re all saying. I have for about 15 years, and am involved in youth ministry programs.

          • I agree totally with mel.The fact is that it is a sin to dress immodestly and God hates it.The world is not home for a believer, we’re just passing through.Christians are compromising much and are also adapting itself to the world’s ways for not looking out-of-place or not to be laughed at as they are ‘holy’.But the problem is what is the difference btw children of God and the world if both are alike?
            Staying pure is very hard and satan can work a lotta bad even through an innocent look.
            “I will set no worthless thing before my eyes”-Psalms 101:3

          • Guys, it’s totally great that you care about modesty, it really is. It’s also really great that guys care, too. However, I think what is more important is the main FOCUS of the movie, the purpose. It’s NOT about the girls in bikinis, it’s about a girl that, yes, wore a bikini, but showed extraordinary faith in Christ. Now, if the main focus of the movie was girls that surf on the beach in bikinis, that would definitely be worth questioning, but it’s NOT! Like someone said below, yes, bikini’s aren’t modest, but that doesn’t mean we have the right to judge the person actually IN it. Yes, maybe she needs to learn to dress more modestly, but the fact that she is trusting Christ and her story is bringing God the glory is more important. And again, I’m not saying modesty is not important, it’s VERY important, but you can’t take things to the OTHER extreme.

      • Can you guys just shut up about the bikinis?! I’m a Christian I watched it and it was AWESOME!!!! And I do hate bikinis, but this movie my 4th favorite movie so far. Yeah it may not be the most modest movie and anyways if the REAL Bethany Hamilton wore one don’t you think that they would go by that?
        I watched it with my Christian friends and they all loved it!!
        PS We all HATE bikinis!!!!

  5. So on April 8th, go see Soul Surfer and buy The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on DVD and Blu-Ray!!

    • That sounds like fun, I once went with my youth group at church to see VDT!!! And it was in 3D!!! It rocked.

  6. I actually have a very dear friend whose name happens to be Bethany Hamilton! She’s a musician here in the Chicago area, but she did become friends with this Bethany Hamilton on Facebook. Both are fine young ladies, and their faith is very important to them. This movie looks like it’s going to be fantastic! I really hope people give it the support it deserves. :o)

  7. I am going to see this. I have a huge amount of respect for the story and this actors in this movie. I can’t wait!

  8. Message of Soul Surfer:
    If you’re a 90% naked surfer girl and you happen to get your arm bitten of by a shark, believe in God with all your heart and you’ll win the surfing championship!! Isn’t faith the greatest?!?

    I’m skipping this one. Hopefully it will show hollywood that they’re failing when it comes to making movies with Christian themes.

    • This is a very poor attitude. You can’t deny the facts about what happened, and the glory is given to the one that allowed for this to happen. Hollywood did nothing to change the story, and if you’ve ever been to the beach, you’ve seen as much. She’s not naked.

      Also, if you think it’s all about winning the championship, you’re missing the point. It’s about overcoming the odds and keeping her faith through thick and thin. Would you have the faith to overcome losing an arm to a shark? Imagine your life without your other arm, and how frustrated you’d be. Imagine typing what you just did with only one arm.

      My father only has one hand. Was his faith shaken? I am sure. Is he still a man of faith? Absolutely.

      You have to understand that this is a factual story. It really happened. This is how it happened.

      • totally agree with tobias!!!! this movie isn’t about giving God the glory….it glamorizes the girl, not her God. Hollywood messed the story up. i’ve read that they didn’t want Christ’s name in the movie and also that they took the words “Holy Bible” off of the Bible in one scene. The real story of Bethany is one of courage and faith. But hollywood messed up when they made it.
        and I find it very hard to believe that a Christian guy can sit through this movie without having impure thoughts! remember Jesus’ words in Matthew….that if a man even looks at a woman lustfully he has already committed adultery in his heart! I would challenge guys who are striving for purity in their thought lives to STEER CLEAR of this movie!!!!

        • Actually, that was in a test screening. BECAUSE of that test screening, the words “Holy Bible” have been restored. It’s not because they didn’t want Christ’s name in the movie.

          You’re not giving guys enough credit. If a guy is able to look at a girl without lust, regardless of what she is wearing, then he’s fine. I’m all for modesty, believe me. This movie is NOT Piranha 3D. It’s a family movie.

          • glad to hear they put it back in the movie.
            but… a better choice of a family movie would be Narnia…Voyage of the Dawn Treader…families should spend their money on the DVD that comes out Fri. rather than going to see this film.

          • No , i think that both of these shows are good family films.I think this show might bring people together and strenghten faith in others, and maybe even others will except christ into there lives.

          • Your forgetting the people who do have problems, since you don’t have that problem does not mean that girls should be allowed to dress that way. In fact, more than 50% of guys look at pornography on a monthly basis. Maybe you are an exception, but would that take away the girls sin? God commanded girls not to dress that way, it doesn’t really matter if the guys who are seeing her aren’t affected, it’s still a sin(especially considering most of the guys will be affected).

        • I admit that I was being rather sarcastic, but I’m sick of hollywood painting an extremely false image of Christianity. Christianity is not all pretty and airbrushed. Faith is not about inspirational one-liners and rock tunes that send shivers down our spine. Christianity is rough. Why do they always choose the stories where the girl wins the championship at the end or the football team wins the game. What about all the stories where God didn’t help the Christian win, but the Christian gave glory to God and loved Him anyway. Christianity is not about prospering through determination and faith. It’s a lot more complex than that, and I’m sick of hollywood, made-for-tv type films that treat faith in a cookie-cutter (and quite frankly dishonest) format. Yes this story really happened, but it’s the exception and not the norm. What if God had not let her win the championship? Would that mean faith is useless? Is faith about overcoming and winning championships or is it deeper? These are the questions I want hollywood to think about in their next “Christian” film.

          • What if he didn’t let her?…it means God has a better plan for her, like for Joni(johny) Eareckson, she was in a diving accident and lost feeling from the shoulders down.
            She thought that if she prayed and had faith that she would get better, but God had better plans. She tried to kill herself a few times, but never did, she hated God for doing that to her, but he still loved her and so did her family. Throught it all she started a ministry! She has written lost of books( with some help) and she draws amazing pictures..with a pencil in her mouth!

            So no matter what there is a plan for all…that is when faith comes in.

            You are right christanity is rough, but that is because we make it that way, with temptation and sin all around us it is hard. But God will guide us and through faith a window will open when the door is closed. And even if it isn’t on are timing…God knows when to do things..just trust him… And thats what Bethany and Joni had to do.

            DO you know how hard it would be to surf without an arm? Tough, almost impossible, but God was her arm,her strenght, what she trusted and belived in.

            It isn’t complex..and it isn’t simple either…that is santan talking.
            It seems that way, and sometimes it might be a little complexe, but it is easier for us now that for the Jews in the old testament and than it is in Israel and Iran,Iraq.
            There is persicution over there.

          • The story about Joni sounds like it would make a better movie to me. Even a story about persecution over-seas. Anything but these cheesy “you can do all things” movies. When Paul said that, he wasn’t talking about overcoming. He was talking about contentment with pain and trials. He wrote it from a prison cell, and he died in a prison cell. How’s that for a Christian movie? They don’t even have to make a Christian movie about that; I just want to see an honest movie that explores what it means to be human and a Christian. Again, stories where girls get their arm bitten off, and then win championships are not what the Christian life is normally like.

          • The key word in your last sentence is “normally.” Sometimes it is. To hide that would be a shame. Plus, I don’t see anywhere that says getting your arm bitten off is NOT pain and trials. Overcoming = becoming content. Your argument became full of contradiction.

          • I know this sounds a little funny, but most everybody likes a happily-ever-after ending. Stories like Bethany Hamilton’s is inspiring because she did not give up. It’s like a story about a racehorse where the owners and the horse have a lot of problems, and nobody thinks they can win. Guess what? They do win! ‘Dreamer’ and ‘Secretariat’ would be disappointing if the horses lost by 30 lengths. The audience doesn’t sit through a 2-hour movie of heart-ache and struggle to see the main character fail in the end! Just think what that would have done to VDT (or PC, or LWWW, or LOTR, ect…)! 😉 I’m not saying that it has to be a gushy, perfect princess story. However, if the main characters don’t have problems and overcome them, though, the storyline is barebones as the most!

            Perhaps, Hollywood is finally starting to get the idea that we don’t want to see movies with (pardon the strong sentiment) disgusting content. If the storylines inprove, perhaps the clothes eventually will, too.

          • Tobias: Have you seen “The Sin Eater”by Michial Landon Jr.,”The Gates Of Spenldor”,”To Save a Life”,”Amazing Grace”,or “Martin Luther”?

            These are all real stories from history. These are good Christain films. ( “The Sin Eater” is a little strange at first , but you will understand at the end)… it is great!

            Hope you will like these too, vert inspiring.

          • Oh, “Faith Like Potatoes” is a great one to! You gotta see that one! I made my cry!( Not that I Am a sissy)

        • I’m not sure whether or not I’m going to see this movie. I’m a GIRL, and there’s no way I could sit through the movie without thinking impure thoughts. I have issues with bkini-clad females. But if the positivity would outweigh that, I might still see it.

          But I don’t agree with you all about the movie ‘glamorizing the girl’. You cannot make that judgment until after you have seen the movie. From what I’ve heard about this film, making Bethany look like a great person is not the focus. God worked through her to do something amazing, and until we see the movie we cannot say that the movie won’t successfully portray that God is the center of Bethany’s success.

          Bethany struggled through adversity and went on to win. The movie does focus on that. But that isn’t to say that her success is the focus of this film. I have the impression that God is given the glory, not Bethany. I’ll have to see the movie to know for sure.

    • Wait a minute. Each of us has God-given talents and passions, and having faith and trusting in Him while persuing them will lead to success and the overcoming of challenges.

      As for the bikinis, although I don’t necessarily think they are appropriate, who are we to judge others?

      I hope everyone goes out to support this awesome movie that will undoubtedly inspire millions and shine some Son-light!

      • thank you, redwoodmaiden. I totally agree with you! And you too, Paul 🙂
        I’m really excited to see this movie.

      • yes we have God given talents, but we must give God glory, and I don’t think this movie does that much at all.

        Who are we to judge? God is the judge and he says that girls should not wear anything that may tempt a into sinful thoughts or actions. We are not judging, we are telling what the judge said.

        • Yes, I see what you mean, and I believe that Bethany Hamilton has and is giving God the glory. It seems we’ll really just have to wait and see how well it is portrayed in the movie before making any more assumptions!

      • Listen, guys, we all know that Hollywood has a lot of problems, and a lot of BIG problems at that. 🙁 I used to think that they couldn’t even make a good movie anymore! (But then LOTR and Narnia came out! ;-)) While I don’t approve of bikinis and certainly don’t wear one, I think this movie could be a step in the right direction because of the ‘plot’: a girl has a horrific exerpience, trusts in God, and overcomes the problem. Isn’t that inspirational? Yes, the makers probably could have choosen better swimsuits, but at least the story (as far as I know) isn’t full of gore, foul language, and a mindless storyline.

        While I love LOTR and Narnia, some of Arwen’s and Susan’s dresses are exactly perfectly modest either. However, that does not completely ruin the whole movies.

        Just give it a chance. 😀 Sorry, this post is so long! 😉

      • Exactly the right attitude Redwoodmadiien! Keep it up, Cheif, keep it up 🙂

    • Wait a minute…it has a message watch the video that Paul Martin put on one of his comments,The naked thing doesn’t have anything to do with this. THat isn’t the story. The story is about faith! Please, just stop thinking about nakedness! It has nothing to do with the show.

          • @C.S.: I don’t actually understand all your comments..To me they seem to contradict each other 🙂

            About the movie,even though it is said to be about faith, I don’t know.Seeing the movie or not is a choice left to the viewer.Personally I won’t see it in theatres and my conscience would not allow me.Even if i see it at home I’ll skip the innapropriate part but on the whole I choose not to see.What I usually do is :I know god is with me and watching me always.So I think about whether Jesus would sit with me and watch this movie along with me.If I’m sure he won’t I don’t watch it 🙂
            Anyway the choice is yours

          • This is because C.S. actually watched some of the videos at the link that I provided. Including the reactions from people that actually watched the movie. The movie is being promoted by practically every church leader in the country. I’ve gotten probably 40 or 50 e-mails from various Christian functions that are all promoting it.

            Here’s one quote:

            Todd Mullins, the lead pastor of Christ Fellowship Church in West Palm Beach, Florida has your answer:

            “SOUL SURFER is a must-see movie full of hope and inspiration. I can’t recall the last movie I saw that I could so strongly recommend to everyone!”

            Perhaps you will go into the theater the way Meredith Whitmore of did: “I honestly (and sadly) came in skeptical. I’m not now.”

            You will likely leave the theater the way noted critic Michael Medved did. He says: “I liked the movie SOUL SURFER—a lot.”

            “SOUL SURFER is among the best films for kids and families that has ever come out of Hollywood. A true ‘best-ever’ viewing experience.”
            Joe White, President, Kanakuk Kamps

          • Ok.ok 🙂 But I don’t go to theatres usually..If it’s nice I’ll see it..I’ll just make sure it doesn’t contradict my stand…and anyway if it got so much appreciation it ought to be good! I just hope God is glorified and that it doesn’t downplay any christian values 🙂

      • Of course the girls would say it was positive, and do you think the guys would tell you what they were really “watching”. You can’t judge a movie by people’s oppinions, judge it by God’s oppinion.

  9. how about a compromise- show hollywood they should make more inspirational movies for mainstream audiences by supporting it, and averting your eyes when you need to if it’s a problem for you.
    the business needs to see these types of films don’t just belong in a “christian ghetto” on dvd in christian bookstores where they are preaching to the choir, but in mainstream movie theatres so they they get the message that there is an audience for what once once considered normal fare- movies where people treated each other decently, didn’t abuse each other sexually, didn’t murder for fun, and didnt rape and go topless just to get a more mature movie rating. (pg-13 and R).
    supporting this film would do a lot to show hollywood bigwigs viewers want more normal fare, less brutality and cheap thrills. movies with a plot and a heart instead of just mindless explosions and woman abuse.
    The only vote that counts with them is with your dollars.

  10. This movie looks really good, I can’t wait to see it! On a side note, The voyage of the Dawn Treader comes out on DVD and Blueray tomorrow April 8th!

  11. This movie looks amazing! I actually remember hearing this girl’s story before, but I never thought they’d make it a movie! It’s totally awesome that they are. Weeeell, Paul, it’s not ENTIRELY off topic. Carrie Underwood is in it, right? Well, didn’t she write “There’s A Place For Us” for Narnia? THERE! I found a connection! Either way, I’m really excited to see this. I love Annasophia Robb, she’s an amazing actress, and i’m glad to see she chose a role in a movie like this! Maybe I’ll go to see it later, not EXACTLY on Friday, because we all know what I’LL be doing! Hooray for VDT! 😀

    • Hooray for VDT! 🙂 indeed. I’ll have to wait longer to get my DVD but I’ll surely get it before May. And then don’t look for me anywhere else than in front of the computer for 1 day 😉

      • I want it for my birthday! COMPLETE uncut, 2, 4 whatever DVD combo pack! WITH collectable postcards! Whoo! Lol, but I’m holding it at my library so I can pick it up and watch it tonight and 20 times over the next week!! Now THAT’S what I’M talkin’ about, baby! Haha, nice! I’m gonna be staring at my TV screen with complete surround sound for THREE days! 😉

  12. I thnk yes that bikinis aren’t Godly and wholesome but you guys (no offense) are making way to much out of this. I mean that’s how it happened and the movie doesn’t focus on girls in bikinis it focuses on Bethany Hamilton and her trying to overcome her accident. I mean sure I’d rather not see girls in bikinis but that’s not what the movie’s going to be about I mean come on you guys. I’m just saying.

    • yea, it is crucial – professionally speaking, for christians to support this because the industry people is gauging whether to make more openly christian movies or not- or to stick with violence and ungodly material. the’ll only make more godly material if people bite – this is a test case for sure to them.

  13. I’m wondering what would be appropriate to wear while surfing… a snow suit? I’m not in favor of bikinis either, but I think many of the people commenting (on a movie they haven’t even seen) are missing the point of the movie. Last time I checked, Bethany Hamilton wasn’t a porn star. It’s about her life and her faith and her triumph over a trauma that would sideline most people permanently. I seriously doubt that there is a sexual angle to this film.

    I get if people decide to pass on it, but much of the criticism I’ve seen here is over the top, IMO.

    • If it is “shown” than it is “sexual angle”. You think the people making it did it on accident? It seems like all the girls are wearing them, that’s not like true life at all! I’ve been to the beach, it isn’t full of models wearing bikinis. Evidentally the makers of this movie “wanted” to put that in there for a reason.

      • It’s not a movie about sex and bikinis… and all the obsessing over it in some of these posts is making me think that some of you have an unhealthy fixation on sex and bikinis.

      • NO ! It isn’t about bikini’s! For pitty sakes! I was just saying that bikini’s were not modest, not that the film was about them!

      • Can’t we just put this down and see that this film has a GOOD message??

        Come on guys..i think it has gone on long enough, we don’t have to act like we hate each other… and for what?

        It is a movie…, yes it is a wonderful show, but is that really worth arguing over? From now on can’t we just watch the preview and look at the message and be strenghtened thru God and not argue about bikini’s?

        It is just a stupid peice of clothes, yes, I don’t like them, but am i going to hate my cousin or friends because they might were them? NO!
        I was just answering a question.

        I don’t know about anyone else , but i am tired of coming on ‘Narnia Fans- See Soul Surfer this Weekend’and it is talking about bikin’s in the comments.

        Do you get my piont?

        • YES!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! PLEASE! All we’re looking at is the OUTSIDE people! So what? The girl wears a bikini! Immodest? Maybe. But showing extrodinary faith in Christ? YES!!! for pity’s sake!
          If someone doesn’t want to go see a movie because Bethany wears a bikini, I’m fine with that, I really am. If you think it’s going to be a temptation etc., then fine. But i, on the other hand, am going with my YOUTH GROUP and youth leader, who happens to be the most modest woman I know. She doesn’t even like us to go around in ONE PIECE swim suits. (sorry, I don’t know why i added that… ;)) Thank you, and no offense to anyone, but I agree with C.S.

        • Your missing the point. if they show it than they are “implying” that it’s okay, which is a bad moral. One good moral does not erase a bad. If a movie made it look like revenge was good, but also made it look like you should work hard in school would you say it’s a good movie? No! I would atleast warn people about the bad morals instead of just saying “go watch it”, ESPECIALLLY if it has to do with an image God said not to look at(Or imply to be “okay”).

          • There’s a difference between wearing clothing and acting a certain way, or presenting an idea a certain way.

            Items of clothing are inanimate.

          • There are certain things that we should not see/do “physically”, the Bible makes that very clear. Are you saying that we should just show anything as long as we don’t make it the “main-point”?

          • Well… with this, it’s being promoted by practically every religious leader under the sun. It’s also on the “Faith Like Potatoes” DVD among others.

          • “every religious leader”? Not quite, yes a lot of them are. But christians aren’t perfect, I know of a lot of bad movies they have also approved of. I also know TONS of christians who watch terrible movies and act like it was good. As I have said, you can’t judge something by what people think of it, judge it by how God thinks of it.

          • Caleb your definitely not a stiff. I just picked a random comment of yours to reply to but I just wanna say that you have the right mindset. U know exactly what your talking about and u do it respectfully and not cocky. U let the truth speak for itself rather than giving your qualifications. And you do not compromise. God is pleased with that he says so himself in his Word. Very few people understand what u r trying to tell them. They wont allow themselves to accept it because they don’t like the truth. We can not make God into whatever kind of god we want him to be. He is God and everything he says is righteous. It is easier to make God into what we want than to conform ourselves to his righteousness but that is evil. I have the same problem but i admit that its wrong. No matter what we cannot justify a movie that causes some to commit adultery in their heart.

  14. Have I mentioned , i have started to make narnia posters with a christain-like theme?

  15. Let me say this. If I was a girl, I wouldn’t wear a bikini. Of course, it’s not the most modest thing in the world. But I would be ashamed to judge someone because they wear a bikini. It’s Ironic, that some people here are judging this movie because some people wear bikinis in it, and saying God would be absolutly disgusted with them (which I personally don’t believe. I think God looks on the inside). But at the same time, we’re judging others. Jesus said not to do that. John 7:24.

  16. Ok people. I saw the movie and the bikinis didn’t even bother me. Just go see the movie!!!!!!!!! It is a really good movie an I think you are blowing this isssue wayyyyy out of proportion! The movie sends a good message and everyone I know who saw it love it! Just go see the movie for yourselves!

  17. I saw this movie two days ago and it was REALLY good! I loved it! The next Christian movie is called Courageous I think that’s what it’s called.

  18. First off this whole bikini issue is blown way out of proportion. Yes I believe that girls should dress modestly, yes I believe that bikini’s should not be worn by women of God. BUT THE MOVIE ISN’T ABOUT A GIRL IN A BIKINI. It is about a girl who thought she lost everything is a traumatic accident and STILL had enough faith to get back on her surf board and win a championship, then gave the glory to God. Is this a perfect interpretation of the Christian faith? No, its still made my hollywood. I think that the sheer fact that they are making a movie with a Christian message is enough for you to fork out $10-$15 bucks to support it. If you watch this movie and give money to whoever made it they will see this theme as a lucrative genre and who know’s we might inspire a generation of Christian film makers who regain their faith in hollywood and use their gifts to inspire many more people then they would if they stuck to movies like fireproof or left behind (which are good movies with a great message but they didn’t get the wide spread media attention that this movie did).

    So is this movie perfect? no. Does it have somethings that I would like to change? yes. but it doesn’t mean that this movie is of the devil or made to corrupt the minds of today’s youth like so many other movies. If you personally are not able to watch the movie because of the immodesty of some of the girls in it then don’t watch it. It is your choice and no one should judge you on it. But I don’t think that if things like that aren’t a problem for YOU PERSONALLY then you should watch it and support that at least something remotely Christian is being presented in a large screen format. If we want more Christian themed movie to be made we need to support the efforts now so that the media know’s that those type of films are lucrative that is why you should go. After all the Bible does say in Isaiah 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

  19. I feel like throwing my opinion in here, so I will… at my own risk, lol.

    I’m happy a movie like this is coming out. Good to see the impact Narnia has had on the movie industry (thank God).

    Personally, I won’t be seeing it for the simple issue that it’s very difficult for me to look at a girl in a bikini without some sort of lust or heart issues popping up. So I won’t see it.

    On the flip side, I can hardly condemn anyone for going to see the movie. I hope it’s good!

    Romans 14-15 and 1 Corinthians 8:4-13

  20. Soul Surfer has been doing very well at the box office.

    Word of mouth is doing exceptionally well for a movie that a lot of critics deemed would flop its opening weekend.

    We need a lot more movies like this at our local theatres. The cast was exceptional, the movie was inspirational, the message of faith was crystal clear.

    This was the first movie since Tangled, another great movie, to receive an A+ from CinemaScore.

    This movie is perfect for the ENTIRE family! Don’t miss out!

  21. I know these comments were months ago but I was so intrigued by some of the opinions here that I thought I’d share what I believe needs to be said. I am a Christian and I watched this movie the first day it came out in theaters. I watched it because I was very happen to find out that Annasophia Robb is a Christian. I have always liked her as an actress. However she is very beautiful and I found that I was quite tempted by her immodest clothing. If anything this could be an attempt to tempt Christian boys and girls to compromise. Telling Hollywood we will compromise if you make christian themed movies is not Godly. I loved the movie but I know it did me more harm than good. They should have only the surfers wearing swimsuits and they should all have been as highly modest one pieces as they come. Jesus was really naked on the cross but they didn’t show that in the passion. However they also didn’t show enough about his resurrection. If you have an issue with lust do not watch this movie. If you do not I would recommend at least watching your eyes. Its not a sin to drink but it is a sin to be drunk. Does that make drinking a good idea. We should run from sin and abstain from all appearances of evil. Lord of the Rings shows the protagonists (good guys) using magic and sorcery to overcome evil. Sorcery is evil and can not take the side of both because it is not neutral. Anything that is not of God is of the devil. We can not accept the world’s culture by pretending to ignore it. The story is powerful and I really wish this movie was more modest. But there’s no point in skipping this movie if most of you watch movies that are twice as bad regularly. God wants someone sold out to him not lukewarm. He would rather you be cold so go big or go home. I suggest going for it all! =)

    • Wow, this is pretty interesting. One thing I am going to point out, that should be obvious, is your comments about Lord of the Rings. They are flat out incorrect. No character uses magic and sorcery in The Lord of the Rings. Never happens. If you’re going to argue that I’m nuts, then you need to read more Tolkien. The characters are given abilities by God, and these are natural abilities that they have, kind of like Michael Jordan playing basketball or the apostles performing miracles. The other difference is that Saruman and Gandalf are not men, they are Istari, which are essentially Guardian Angels. Sorry, I cannot just let a comment like that slip by unchecked. Too many misunderstand Tolkien.

      • Wow okay first off Idk why I’m surprised that you completely missed the point of what I said. Lotr really wasnt what I was concerned about but since were going there, Why did they turn to the dead elvish race to help them fight? What about when Froto had been stabbed and they were racing him to rivendale on horse. She started chanting and the water rushed over the wraiths. If you are going to say she was speaking in tongues and commanding the water with her faith then she has the strongest faith since the disciples. Some of the characters have lived for thousands of years. The oldest man in the bible was 967. Even the video games have spells. There are no undead wraiths when you die your soul goes to heaven or hell until judgement day. A ring can not make you disappear or be invisible. Granted the ring was evil but still. The ending doesn’t even have Christ or the Father as the savior. Really there isn’t any mention of any savior at all. Elves are not real and those ox must be demons but u cant breed demons. Nothing about lotr is remotely truthful.

        • I didn’t miss the point of what you said. You just went about fifteen different directions, and the inclusion of The Lord of the Rings in that manner was not only incorrect, but somehow you missed the point of the Lord of the Rings altogether. Perhaps I can help by pointing things out.

          The dead elvish race had a debt they owed the King of Gondor, and only he could release them from the debt that they owed. When Frodo had been stabbed, the elves needed to get him to a place where they could heal him. Again, like with Gandalf, the elves are kind of like angels. They have immortality and they also have certain abilities granted them by God. She was speaking an elvish language, not tongues. So what if some of the characters lived for thousands of years while the oldest man in the Bible was 967? Why does that even matter? Again, any of the characters that “cast spells” in the game or the book or the movie aren’t using magic. It’s just a simple way to explain that these were gifted abilities. The wraiths weren’t undead, they were corrupted and controlled men. The Ring doesn’t make him invisible, it transports him to another plane of existence. This hides him from our eyes, yes, but he’s not technically invisible. If you were also on that plane, you’d see him there as Sauron and the Wraiths were able to. When Frodo isn’t wearing the Ring, he’s technically invisible to them too.

          I can’t believe that part of the argument you’re making is that “elves are not real” that the “ox must be demons” and that “nothing about LOTR is remotely truthful.” It’s fantasy, but it’s full of truth in many ways. The author, J.R.R. Tolkien, was a staunch Roman Catholic. He didn’t like allegory, so the stories have none of that. What the stories do have are basic truths and morality. For instance, all of the evil in Middle-earth, like in our world, was good once. The orcs had been elves, but they were twisted and warped by evil. The fell-beasts that the wraiths were riding had once been great eagles. Sauron was the pupil of Morgoth (Melkor) who had once been of the highest order of angels, but he had tried to overthrow the creator and was cast down to Middle-earth. Remind you of someone? The elven lembas bread, also called way bread, is very symbolic of the bread of the way or bread of life. I could go on and on about the spiritual and philosophical merits that LOTR brings. It is both edifying and good.

  22. okay, lets get something straight…there will always (most likely) be girls wearing unmodest clothes!

    I really want to see it too…but once again,very busy!

    • …besides you are suppose to look at the message not the clothes;it isn’t a fashion show.

  23. If the elves are angels and the ox were once elves but turned evil what does that make the ox? Nothing in lord of the rings gives glory to Jesus Christ. There is no other plane of existence. We are here now and we will be in heaven or hell later. They should not call gifts from God spells. Watching it doesn’t give us any spiritual insight or bring us closer to God. Roman Catholics and Christians do not have the same faith. I commented originally to show others that most movies in general are garbage for our soul and that soul surfer does bring temptation to the righteous. I merely said what i did about lotr because its true and i didn’t think it should go unnoticed by faithful Christians. You can use symbolism to justify it if you want but then pretty soon the gospels and the entire old testament become just symbolism and metaphors in people’s eyes. It’s a lot easier to sound intelligent when you know everything about what you are talking about. However I haven’t spent my time studying lotr or the koran because I know they are not the truth. But I am not naive. I will not lose anything by not indulging in lotr. If i suspect i may be wasting my time with something that seems to encourage evil then I will not bother. lotr does not abstain from the appearance of evil and we are not either by watching it. If Jesus was in the room with me while I was watching a movie i don’t think id be watching lotr. The wraiths were “neither living nor the dead” they were once men who have fallen. How are they not the undead? They have no body of their own. No shape at all just cloaks and armor draped over nothing just a void of nonexistence. Has lotr brought us joy? real joy? Has it strengthened our relationship with God with Jesus? Has it brought us any knowledge about God? Has it done anything besides showing us that the power of spells and of the undead are mighty and that evil can only be overcome by believing that you and your friends can destroy evil by trusting in your own power and will. That evil will be gone forever if we journey countless miles on foot and toss a ring into a lava pit inside a mountain? That we should trust a creature running on 4 legs that used to be human-like to show us the true way. Yes the angel (Gandolf) sent them on this mission. But froto volunteered on his own against gandolfs will to continue after rivendell.Did we ever see them praying? Did they ever say that they must trust in God to continue? That no matter what God has a plan and that they will not fail if they follow him? No. They wandered around aimlessly looking for direction wherever they could. Just hoping they ended up where they wanted to be. And somehow by following a deceiver they made it to hell to throw away the devil’s ring into the lake of fire where it was forged by satan. Everyone froto is our savior believe in him he delivered us from satan. Altho froto seemed to be a good man he was not wise in the ways of God and he did not set an example to follow. He healed no1. Educated no1 and fell to temptation when faced by evil. He put on the ring and became possessive of the evil ring. If he’s not the savior in this story then who is? Or is there no savior at all? exactly. Fortunately we all have a real savior who is perfect and holy. No1 needs lotr and it has spiritually benefited no1. It may not be likely to corrupt the righteous. But it serves no purpose in his kingdom. Anything not of God is of the devil. 9 and a half hours that could have been used to benefit the kingdom. There were no spells in narnia used by the good guys. All gifts were given by Aslan who represents God. They trusted in him. He was all 3 God Jesus and the holy ghost all in 1. He died for them and came back to life. He created the world and takes care of them. Lotr shows none of that. That is why it is not of God.

    • This argument is 100% incorrect. As a Roman Catholic, we ARE Christians. Tell me I’m wrong, and you prove your ignorance.

      I would take apart your arguments about LOTR one by one, but Tolkien already provides that material in The Silmarillion. You clearly haven’t read any Tolkien, and base your entire argument on the movies alone.

      Go and read: The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Worldview Behind The Lord of the Rings by Dr. Peter Kreeft. He’s a Philosophy professor and Christian apologist.

      Get and listen to this CD by Joseph Pearce on The Lord of the Rings:

      Understanding Catholicism may be a prerequisite for understanding this article, but here it is:

      My point is: watching LOTR is edifying, not evil. There are truths in the books and the films that most other films do not include. Do we see them praying? Yes. Do you understand that’s what they’re doing? Only if you are paying attention.

      Gollum/Smeagol didn’t used to be human, he had once been a Hobbit. I didn’t say that “ox” were once elves, I said the Orcs were once elves. That’s even explained in the movie.

      Being “neither living nor dead” doesn’t mean “undead.” It means “neither living nor dead.” The difference is that in the lore of undead, it’s not the individual that is in control of the body.

      You made an illogical leap from people watching and learning about LOTR and pretty soon they start to think of the bible that way. That illogical leap could also be said of Narnia, so I don’t know why you think that a strong case. Do we ever see anyone praying in Narnia? How much evil is there in Narnia? Aslan didn’t die for all, he only died for Edmund. In Narnia, remember, there is “Deeper Magic” that the good guys have. In fact, it’s ASLAN that uses it. It’s written on the Stone Table.

      Saying “LOTR and the Koran” doesn’t make your argument stronger. It makes it weaker. LOTR is not a religious document, it is a book.

      When Frodo takes up the Ring to bring it to Mount Doom, he is essentially giving up his life for a quest better suited for someone less pure of heart. “I will take the Ring to Mordor, though I do not know the way.” There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.

      Do you look for a savior in all stories that you read? Believe me, I want to take the rest of your diatribe and go line by line explaining everything that you misunderstood, so that you’re at least not ignorant to it all anymore, but I can’t spend that time.

  24. T clearly explained that I do not spend my time educating myself on things that have nothing to do with God. So i don’t know why u referred me to a book and cd. the difference between ox and orcs is not relevant. They r both evil its the same difference. If u don’t have the time to show someone who is willing to listen the error of their ideals then what do u have time for? If an unbeliever told u that for example that they believe homosexuality isn’t a sin would u just say yes it is go read the bible or just tell them u have better things to do with your time then explain the obvious. Roman Catholic faith differs from all other christian nominations in that most other denominations have very similar beliefs with subtle differences. They believe in the mother mary. They also believe in purgatory and have books in their bible left out of the standard holy bible editions. They have a priest who conducts confessions which are actually meant to be between you and God. Even though having an accountability partner isn’t a bad idea u must talk to God about your sins on your own and a priest can not offer God’s forgiveness. Saying that if we justify everything with symbolism and metaphors long enough eventually people will write off the bible as a metaphor is no leap at all. Froto did not lay down his life for the others out of his faith in God. He did it out of his own strength. Even Jesus asked God if there was any other way but he did what he had to because God told him to not because he thought he could do it out of his own power. I am neither naive nor ignorant and certainly not arrogant. I know that I have much to learn as do you and everyone else. But what I do know is that I have nothing to gain by indulging in lotr and i choose not to. But I do have my purity to protect and i will do so. You can choose to live on the line of what is a sin and what is not but I will stay as far from it as I can and doing so brings me closer to God as I am sure living on the edge does not. I was not seeking an argument but it seems I have found one. I hope that perhaps others will see the reason I commented in the first place rather than a pointless dispute. If you want to dog narnia on their own site be my guest but as far as I can tell narnia is pure unlike lotr.

    • Clearly my pointing you toward resources is helpful. You’re just not willing to learn, and therefore are going to judge things based on your own ignorance. For instance, The Lord of the Rings has far more to do with God than you’re willing to give it credit for, and that is your loss. Don’t try dragging others away from it simply because you don’t understand that.

      Homosexuality is not a sin. Acting on it is the sin.

      As for your statements about Catholicism: Mary exists… so yeah, we believe in her. Without her, Christ would not have entered the world. She’s mentioned in the Bible.

      Sure, we believe in Purgatory. There’s a lot of biblical evidence that such a place exists. It’s merely the place where we are purified before we go to Heaven. Simple enough.

      The books in the bible left out of “standard editions” are actually books that were kept in when Martin Luther decided to remove books. He was incorrect about that decision and look what’s happened. 35,000 Christian denominations since then, and Christ wanted us to all be together as one.

      Confession is Biblical.

      All of this stuff is argued time and time again, and you can find facts if you look at sites like, and the Catechism.

      P.S. I own and operate this website. You must know a few things: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien were great friends. Lewis loved The Lord of the Rings.

      ‘But why,’ (some ask), ‘why, if you have a serious comment to make on the real life of men, must you do it by talking about a phantasmagoric never-never land of your own?’ Because, I take it, one of the main things the author wants to say is that the real life of men is of that mythical and heroic quality. One can see the principle at work in his characterization. Much that in a realistic work would be done by ‘character delineation’ is here done simply by making the character an elf, a dwarf, or a hobbit. The imagined beings have their insides on the outside; they are visible souls. And man as a whole, Man pitted against the universe, have we seen him at all till we see that he is like a hero in a fairy tale?

      This is quite a review… full of unabashed love and laud for the work. Of course, it was with Lewis’s continuous encouragement that Tolkien was able to finish The Lord of the Rings, so I think it’s with the pride of a literary grandfather that Lewis reviews this work…

  25. I do not compromise my values which is why I will not educate myself on lotr anymore than I already am. Jesus said that lusting in your heart is a sin so therefore u do not have to commit a homosexual act to have committed a homosexual sin. God hates sin. Look but do not touch is the old law that has been fulfilled. Now we live under the new law. And therefore if we lust it is a sin. Hating someone in your heart is murder. The reason u believe it is okay for someone to watch soul surfer and lust after the girls in bikinis, as long as u don’t act on it, is the same concept u believe in that indulging in homosexual thoughts alone is not a sin. Lusting is not only a sin but a gateway to more sin. What u may not understand is the bible is not a rule book. We aren’t supposed to see what we can do without technically breaking the rules. We r supposed to do everything we can to grow closer to God. Lotr will not bring us closer to God. And if we do something that we believe is a sin on purpose even if it technically isn’t then we are still sinning because we are doing something that we believe will harm our relationship with God and therefore it has done just that. Encouraging someone to do what u know they believe is a sin whether it is or not is leading them astray. Therefore u should not encourage me to educate myself on lotr. Its not like i think reading the bible is a sin. That would be ridiculous and not believable. Even if we watch soul surfer or lotr with good intentions that does not make it right. Some of the biggest mistakes in the bible were made by people with good intentions but they disobeyed God, sometimes knowingly. The bible does not mention purgatory by name. It does not mention the rapture by name either. In fact the rapture will not happen as most people believe. God will not bring all his children home before the tribulation. There would be no purpose in having a tribulation then. We must be here to show them the light. They see Jesus through us. The point is that like the tribulation, purgatory is not exactly what people think. We r forgiven from our sins but we do that continually throughout our christian walk. We r already covered by the blood of Jesus and do not need to be forgiven after we die because we already r. If we were not then we could not have a relationship with the father. God cannot look upon sin. If we were not holy he would not know us. Just as Jesus will say good bye i never knew u to the lost on judgement day.

    • Yes, lusting in your heart is a sin. I cannot understand how you think. You seem to be talking in circles. In one breath you talk about law, what Jesus said, etc. In another you talk about how the Bible is “not a rule book.” It can’t be both. It can’t be both a rule book and not a rule book. You can’t have it both ways. The same with your views on homosexuality. If someone cannot *be* homosexual without thinking about it, acting on it or lusting, then someone cannot *be* heterosexual without the same rules applying to them. Since, as you say, the same rules do apply to heterosexuals, then being heterosexual must also be sinful. Again, you cannot have it both ways. That is a double standard. Folks who are one way or the other sometimes believe they were born that way so thoroughly, that perhaps they were, thanks to things such as high levels of Bisphenol-A in our plastics, which creates a heightened level of feminine hormones in a person, effecting males in ways that we’ve never seen before, and females entering adolescence at younger ages.

      LOTR is not a sin for anyone to read. Your logic is extremely flawed. Go read Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon in your Bible) and then tell me that you found anything like that in LOTR. You cannot just pick something out to lead you astray, unless you’ve decided that something will, no matter what. All things in moderation. Encouraging you to educate yourself on LOTR is not a sin, as it would be an educational experience, and perhaps open your eyes to things that God wanted you to see in yourself. It’s not like I’m saying “hey man, you’re lactose intolerant, but I really think you should drink this milk, because it’ll do you some good. You still have your free will. If you somehow convince yourself that looking at bunny rabbits is sinful, and I show you a book of bunny rabbits, causing you to “sin” I have no doubt that God will not hold you accountable for that “sin.” That is not what a loving, forgiving God would do.

      Heck, C.S. Lewis reviewed LOTR as I said before.

      The bible doesn’t have to mention purgatory by name. God did not stop teaching after the bible was completed by the Catholic Church.

      God cannot look upon sin, which is why purgatory exists.

      Anyway, if you’re not willing to learn, I am not willing to try and teach. I’ve done my best to try to figure out your logical leaps as well as what religion you subscribe to. I cannot continue this debate, however.

  26. I’m probably landing in hot water by posting this but…

    Brad, there is such a thing as taking something too far–in being over-zealous. I just wanted to say a couple of things about some things you’ve posted.

    1. Frodo as a savior. J.R.R. Tolkien never said Frodo was the Savior. I’ve read some of his letters–it’s been years, so I can’t cite them–and he said he never wanted any of his characters to be symbolic of Jesus Christ. He didn’t want to claim to be able to create a symbolic version of Jesus Christ, or to usurp His authority or anything like that. The Lord of the Rings is, essentially, a book about ordinary people fighting against evil. This is something we all have to do every day. We don’t all see angels or talk with Christ, but that does not mean we are not supposed to fight evil every day of our lives. Frodo is one ordinary little Hobbit who has to go on an extraordinary journey and fight against his inner and outer demons. What is not truthful about that?

    2. Homosexuality. You talk about homosexuality like it’s something somebody can choose. Now, granted, in some cases people choose to think homosexually and become homosexuals–but this is not always the case. However, just like other diseases and mutations, genetic and otherwise, sometimes people are born homosexual–it’s a proven scientific fact. Then, looking at the Bible, it becomes the person’s choice whether to act on those homosexual tendencies (a little like somebody who says “I have alcoholic tendencies, so I’m going to drink. It’s not my fault, I was born this way.”) or live a celibate life (like somebody who says, “I have alcoholic tendencies, but I’m not going to give into them. I’m going to live a higher law and control myself, not be controlled.”). Does that mean the person automatically becomes heterosexual? No, it does not. That person is going to have to fight the longing to be with someone, the need to be accepted, all sorts of things, their entire life. I know this because one of my friends was most likely born homosexual. He fought this fight for a long time, and unfortunately he has chosen to give into his homosexuality.

    3. Back to Lord of the Rings: Not all books are solid, black and white, allegorical allusions to Christianity. Not all books have this character who portrays Christ, this character who portrays Satan, this situation that portrays Hell, this one that portrays Heaven, etc. etc. etc. That does not make them bad books. Truth can be taught, and to a wider audience, in all sorts of realistic and fantastical ways without being allegories. The Lord of the Rings is not an allegory. The Chronicles of Narnia is more of an allegory, though not completely. That does not make one bad and the other good. In fact, with allegorical books in general, I personally don’t like them. They sometimes throw things in your face, saying “Don’t you see? THIS is Christ. Oh, and you’d better not do this situation, because THIS is evil.” That is why C.S. Lewis was so great. I read The Chronicles of Narnia for years without realizing that Aslan represented Christ. I saw good and evil, learned lessons, and was edified. Now I know that Aslan represents Christ, and I can read the Chronicles of Narnia on a whole different level. But, like I said before, I do not like all allegorical books. And not all books I find truth in are allegorical.

    • And, to quote Paul in Philippians 4:8, (King James Version of the Bible)

      “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be ANY virtue, and if there be ANY praise, think on these things.”

      True, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, praiseworthy things are not only found in black and white allegory or the Bible. That’s what’s so great about God and so great about the world. You can find God in tons of things outside of the Bible, and we are supposed to look for Him everywhere.

  27. Okay for 1 Im not going to debate against 2 people so Im sorry Ellie but Im choosing not to respond to anything u have said. But thank u for trying to help. Nothing I have said is a double standard. I do not appreciate how u have twisted my words. Unfortunately once someone has done that it is impossible to continue a debate without causing a fight. So I think we will have to agree to disagree. I can go on but it will do no good for u or me and i believe u feel the same. When u decide to end an argument do not say everything wrong with what the other person believes then decide that your done debating because most people will not choose to allow u the last word. U can comment again if u want and I do have much to say but i will not. With that i say good bye please don’t take offense but i will not comment again and i will not read your response.

    • I didn’t twist anything, you had already twisted my words so many times, that I could see why you would think that, though. It is a double standard to believe that someone who is one way will have sinful thoughts constantly and someone who is another way will not, even though we are all human and capable of sinning. I figured the argument could not, and should not, go on much more, because we seem to be going in circles. But you aren’t reading this anyway.

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